4 is this love?

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Summer's pov:
"Asher, I've already told you that I don't like you that much!" I murmured as he got down on one knee offering me flowers. Asher sighed, and got up, had one last look at me, before looking at the ground walking away. I wish Asher would just listen to me and stop trying to ask me out! "Hey Sum!" I heard a familiar voice cry. "Hey Bubbles!" I smiled as I turned to face Tomika. "So, how's the boy you love doing?" She smirked. "Tomiks, don't be silly! I don't like him that much!" I laughed.

-time skip to Tuesday-
Freddy's pov:
What Zack said has really got me thinking. Do I love her? I know that I like-like her, like a lot, but do I love her? This is all so confusing. My brain cells can't handle it. "Hey Freddy!" The most beautiful girl in the world called. "Hi Sum." I muttered, still deep in thought. "Are you okay Freddy?" Summer asked, sounding concerned. "I'm fine." I smiled, as I turned to face her. Wow. Summer looks so beautiful.

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"Okay," She smiled, "Walk me to class?"

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"Okay," She smiled, "Walk me to class?". I grinned, " Of course!". As we were walking, Zack noticed me marveling at Summer's beauty. "You love her." He mouthed, smirking. I gave him a death glare.

Summer's pov:
As we were walking to class, Tomika saw us and made a heart shape with her fingers, and texted me:

Bubbles✨: you so luv him
Sum🙈: 😑

I turned off my phone and glared at her, before turning back to Freddy, and we continued to class. But honestly, Tomika saying that has really got me thinking. Do I love Freddy? He is so nice and sweet, and I like-like him so much, but do I love him? I honestly have no clue. Ah! Why can't this be simple?

Do I Love Them? (Sequel To Perfect) Where stories live. Discover now