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"What the? Is this the sh*t you were calling me here for Tinashe!?" ...

Musa's voice startled me causing me to try to sprint out of Nkosi's hold but he held me tighter. I didn't hear him enter because the door was open from the time Nkosi entered with me. He hadn't closed it.

"Babe, I was..."
I wasn't sure what exactly I was trying to explain but he cut me off before I could even try.

"Save it! It is obvious what's going on. And to think I came here to apologize only to find you in the arms of another man."
His tone was more sad than angry. I can't blame him though, the sight was deceptive.

I tried wiggling out of Nkosi's hold and this time he allowed me. Within a sec, forgetting that I was on the verge of sleeping just a few secs ago I was next to Musa.

"Babe, Nkosi just brought me food and medication because I had period pains. I'm sorry if this gave you the wrong impression"

He chuckled.
Not the easygoing kind but it was filled with pain.

"You think I'm stupid Tinashe neh? I really thought you were different but you're also just as loose as..."

"Yey, gada lo'mlomo wakho saan (watch your mouth)."
Nkosi's voice boomed in the room cutting off Musa. This was the first time he spoke since Musa got here. I'd have appreciated for him to remain silent and let me deal with this though.

"I'm sorry babe"
My hand reached out to hold Musa's hand but he yanked it away.

"I need space"
He says as he walks away. I should have chased after him but I was too exhausted for that. Instead I just remained frozen in place.

"Nashe, come back here"
Nkosi ordered but I didn't respond.

He then got up from the couch, went to close the door and came back to me. He held my shoulders with both his hands.

"I need you to do one thing for me, okay Nashe"
I nodded
"I know you want to be with your boyfriend and apologize but right now listen to your body, you feel how tired and drained you are because of the period cramps?"

I closed my eyes and did listen to my body, it was then that my body felt totally beat up, it needed rest.

"Now come"

We walked over to the couch again and sat in a similar position as before. After a few minutes of Nkosi playing with my hands that were crazily smaller than his, I fell asleep.


I woke up to a dark room with only my bedside lamp as a light source. I don't usually switch off my main light.

I get up and switch on the main light, go to the bathroom to change my pad and refresh then went back to the room. It was only then that I notice a note on the side of my bed.

'You were sleeping so peacefully I couldn't bring myself to wake you up. I brought you to bed because it's more comfortable than the couch. I had to leave though, there was an emergency I had to attend to. Take care of yourself and get better okay. There's food in the microwave. Text me. Nkosi"

When did this one become my friend?
Jokes aside I did appreciate him taking care of me earlier. And now he says there's food for me in the microwave, I can't say no to that.

I checked my phone as I ate. There was a a text from Musa. I wasn't ready to read it. I wasn't ready for him to be telling me all the ways I broke his heart.

I first opened the pictures that Boti sent me. It was a lot of pictures of the cute lil princess. She was so freaking adorable. I can't wait to go back home and see her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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