Chapter 1- Fucking Prick

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>Craigs POV<

Tons of people where running down the hallway, sprinting outside where a whole herd of people gathered round.

I decided to take a look and see what was going on so I walked down the hall, slamming my locker shut unintentionally.

I heard shouting nearly half way down and started to run.

A familiar voice yelled.

>Kenny's POV<
{5 minuets earlier}

"Don't be like that Kenny." Stan said in an intimidating, stern voice. The look he had on his face made my heart race out of nervousness. I didn't like it. Suddenly, a dispute of outrage fuelled up inside me. I felt the need to shout, so I did.

"Don't be like what Stan ??" I yelled.
Stan, Cartman, Kyle and Butters were shocked, Bomb-shelled even.
Stan started to spit out some letters, breaking the silence.

"No don't be like what exactly Stan?! Behave with all of your bullshitting and stop! Just fucking STOP!"

I had used all of the anger I could possibly reach to let out the shouting. Stan was suddenly released from his gaze, with a look of bile across his face. He was gazing deep into my soul, knowing and even thinking what he was about to say.

"Kenny why don't YOU stop? You're acting as if your the Top Boy of the group! I will tell you one thing, You're Not. You're Nothing, Kenny."
A gasp flew through the air as the now crowd of people surrounding us now had their eyes widened and hands to their mouth.

I stepped back. I realised the small crowd of people suffocating us. Suffocating Me. I felt sick to my stomach. His words rang through my head while my heart was slowly dropping, tearing apart.

I ran over towards Stan and smashed my fist right into his stupid face. His grin soon cleared as the physical contact nearly blew him away, which was quite surprising if I do say so myself.

He was now on the floor, looking up at me with a bloody nose and mouth. Glaring at me like he had murder on his mind. The bad thing is, I don't even know what's up with him. He used to be so sweet and kind and lately, he's just been a dick. A complete prick of an arse and I'd gotten fed up.

He got up and looked at me with an un-amused face. Seconds later, he had clouted me back. Harder then I had punched him, which made sence. Without my Parker, I was just a skinny kid filled with bruises, burns and scars. He was also much taller then me, as most people were.

My heart started the thump. I felt like I was getting taken over by aliens or some shit. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. Was Stan still hitting me? I think he was. I closed my eyes for a split second and all sound had drowned out. I was alone. All that could be heard was a slight ringing from afar.

Then I got brought back into the open.

Kyle wailed.

>Craig's POV<

When I got outside the double doors, I saw a big crowd of people. More then 200 for sure.
I pushed past a few, every single one of them had their eyes widened ,as if they had never seen sunlight before, with a shocked expression flooding over them.

After getting past them, I seen what everyone had been looking at. Kenny was on the floor with blood flowing down his face, bruises already forming on his cheekbone and eye. Stan was stood over him, slightly grinning. He looked calm and proud. Had he done this? The blood on his knuckles answered my question.

Kyle looked totally fed up. I think he was just tired and angry.

Kenny glanced over at me and his eyes stretched up. He quickly got up and adjusted his stance, wiping the dripping blood off of his face. Where were the teachers during all of this?

After a couple minutes of silence and whispers, Kenny spit out 2 words, aiming at Stan. He then left after about a minuet, I went to chase after him.

"Fucking prick"

Helloooo! Finished the first chapter! I'll do Chapter 2 soon. Whether people are going to read or not, I'm still going to write it lol. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
740 words

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