Chapter 10- 'Say less'

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'Heya hotshot'

My head shot up to see Craig leaning over the sofa, looking deep into my soul with a smirk stitched on his lips.

'Hey Craig' I said as normal as you could, like i didn't hear what he said. He walked over to the front of the couch, yearning to sit next to me.

'Looking rather dapper, aren't we Craigy-boy?' I spoke in my best posh British accent. 'Ew' he replied as he sat down. 'But yes, I am. Can't say the same for you though'

'Well you know what they say, never wear anything that panics the cat!' I said holding my shoulders up.

'And that means..?' Craig questioned.
'Shut up' I said, nudging his arm.
'Anyway, why are you even here if your just sat and not even drinking? I didn't even know you had it in you to not drink at a party.' He perked up his eyebrow. Damn, why does he ask so many questions?

'Because I want to be here. I also like getting out of the house once in a while. And I don't have to drink everywhere I go, Craig' I reply with a sarcastic undertone. 'Whatever man'

Nothing else was said. The silence was kind of awkward, but also comforting in a way. It felt as it was only us in the room, despite the screams that echoed behind. We sat there for a few minutes; staring into eachothers soul without a word. I could of got lost in those serene blue eyes, they were like black holes sucking me in where i couldn't resist. I wouldn't know if he felt the same way looking into my eyes, but I doubted he did.

Not only was it his eyes that could of sucked me in, his beautiful face, light velvety skin with flushed cheeks which could either be from his drink or the silence we had placed ourselves in, his eyes which flickered like candles in the moonlight, surrounded by a veiny redness. Messy, raven hair that sat on his face perfectly. Freckles dotted across his face, he was the stars that would glisten in the night.

I wonder to myself quite often, does he think the same of me? Could he write paragraphs on paragraphs about how beautiful I am, how my eyes looked like the ice that laid over the land on a Winters day, how my hair is as golden as a Phoenix; as messy as a bedroom floor. I wonder, what does he think of me? Looking at myself in the shattered mirror every morning erases every thought that anyone could look at me and think such things. Not even i could find myself anything even close to 'pretty', so why would anyone else?

He probably thinks of me like everyone else does. A dirty-minded, dumb blonde. A good-for-nothing waste of time. Someone who used to into trouble because I thought it was funny, but really I just wanted the reaction from my dad. He probably thinks im just a guy with too much free time, some random ugly guy who keeps popping up into his life for no reason. A parasite. An annoying bug. A leech that wont budge. Someone else to enjoy for a while then dump into the dirt where I belong.

I was forced out of my thoughts by a glass bottle being broken, and a few people shouting.

'Stupid Jew!!' Cartman yelled, bleeding and covering his eye. Kyle was stood over him holding a now broken glass beer bottle with a stern look on his face. 'Thats what you get, fatass!' Kyle suddenly grabbed Eric by his collar and pulled him closer, inching from his face. 'Fuck with me again and i'll knock your fucking teeth out you fat fuck.' He pushed him back and spat in his face before walking over to Stan as if nothing happened.

Everyone was in awe, even Cartman. We all waited for this day, for Cartman to get knocked sense into him, although it probably won't do anything. There was blood on the ground, bleeding out from where Cartman was laid, helplessly. I frowned, thinking this is what you get when you're a dick to everyone, Cartman. i hope you learn your lesson some day.

'O-oh uhm PARTIES OVER EVERYONE!! EXITS THIS WAY, TAKE YOUR DRINKS AND LEAVE IMMEDIATELY!' Wendy shouted at the top of her lungs. She looked distressed from all the blood spilling out. Everyone groaned as the party was over, and slowly grabbed their belongings and made their way out.

'Jesus' Craig said, not looking stoked at all. 'yeah, Jesus' i replied. 'Well, come on then. Better get going, ey?' I arched an eyebrow. Craig looked at me and said 'Come on, we're going home' I raised an eyebrow, 'We??'  'Yes we, Kenny. You're coming home with me' My eyes were wide, my mouth was agape. I smirked,

'Say less'

HELLO EVERYONEEE!!! ITS BEEN SO LONG IM SO SORRYYYY!!!! I haven't been able to update in months because istg it said I needed to verify my email, but it didn't sent me an email so I could verify it.. which confused me. Anywho, i am SO SORRY that this chapter is so short, i did the best i could really :') idk what im gonna do for the next chapter, although it will come! i will not leave this unfinished i refuse.
anyway, until next time ;)

910 words

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