holy shit

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jesus christ, where do i start????? ive been gone for 2 years. thats no secret. but it wasnt like i got bored or anything, i literally wasnt able to update !!! wattpad would tell me i needed to update my email, and when i clicked it was my email it would say it would send me an email and never did !! ive tried so, so, SO many times to overcome this but i wasnt able to because nothing would work. but as ive now got a new phone, with a new email it has finally sent me an email !! im free !!! war is over. i have a sloppy, probably half writted chapter im gonna be releasing which i wrote a while ago while i was in my wattpad jail cell, so i apologise if its nothing worthy of 2 damn years, but its currently 2:35am and i have spent quite literally all day reading a fanfiction (my first one being read in months) which made me cry in every way possible and im tired, so sue me. but happy days guys !! im back in buissness, probably.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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