Chapter 2- This Can't Be Good

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Just a little over-head warning.
This chapter includes abuse, SH, usage of the F slur and homosexual shipping/crushing. Hope you enjoy!

                        >Kenny's POV<
Once Craig had came over to where all the commotion was, I honestly nearly died. I have had a crush on him since a couple of weeks after we started year 8 (eighth grade I think).

When he did come over, he just looked so genuinely concerned and worried so I made myself get up. I had to act like I normally do. It wasn't all that hard since it's casual now. It basically happens on a daily basis.

I come home almost every day to my dad drunk and just mad for no reason. He decided to take his anger out on me, leaving me with bruises and/or scars that I had to cover up. I've got a lot that can't be covered up because my dads that much of a dick, so when I have them, I have to act and pretend and lie about how I got them. I've got too good at it. I could say anything and people would believe me. Maybe that's because their shitty friends but who cares? Not me that's for sure.

Kevin and Karen where always dads little angels while I was the outcast, so when Kevin left, hell struck more then it had ever done before.

Kevin and Karen, however, where the best. Kevin used to drive us everywhere and Karen is just my little sister that I adore.

Maybe dad would be different if mom was still here. But she's not. She's gone and there's nothing any of us can do about it

After I walked away from the crowd, Tucker ran after me. Butterflies swarmed inside of my stomach as I heard him call my name. "McCormick wait up!" Well, it isn't my name but it's close enough.

I stopped and turned around to look at him, not realising he was so close. I jerked a bit at the sight of him but played it off.

"You okay?" Craig said as he lifted one of his eyebrows.

"Yeah why?" I replied, feeling awfully stupid after. I had just got beaten up , course I wasn't okay. Thankfully, that wasn't his point to make.

"Well you almost jumped out of your skin when you turned around. Did I scare you?" He said looking concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little shaken up. Plus I'm cold" I said pulling a nervous grin. "It's freezing out here"

"Well yeah of course it is. But how are you cold? You have that big Parker on?"
I knew why I was cold. I had barely any fat on my body. I was basically skin and bone. I wasn't going to tell him that though.

"I don't know Tucker. Stop asking questions. I'm just really cold, okay?" I said, slumping a bit when saying it.

"Okay okay McWhoremick. No need to be salty" he said while laughing a bit. "Here, take my coat. I'm warm anyway"

My eyes widened. Was Craig Fucker really giving me his coat?? Was I dreaming?

"No you don't have to do-" before I could say anything else, he wrapped his coat around me. The warm embrace and the scent of him felt like heaven, and I have been there before.

"Don't be stupid. You'll freeze out here!" I was surprised when he said this because this was Craig Tucker we where talking about here. He NEVER shows emotions. Especially ones that concern other people.

"Wow my coat is really big on you McCormick. Dude you're literally tiny." He said trying not to laugh.

My eyebrows furrowed into a frown. He just had to insult me. Oh well, it's a tiny something from Craig Tucker and that tiny something was a big deal to me.

"Hey Fucker leave me alone it's not my fault"
I yelled back. He looked like he was about to burst out with laughter, but he held himself together.

"Yeah, no shit dude! You wouldn't choose to be that tiny. You literally look like a 12 year old!"
He exploded with tears and fell to his knees, genuinely nearly dying.

"Stop laughing Craig! It's not funny I can't help it. And I do not look like a 12 year old! I'm perfectly 15 and I look my age" I tried to yell louder then his stupid laugh.

He stopped laughing and began to speak, wiping tears from his eyes. "Yeah well, you are younger then most of the people in your classes so it's fine i guess? Anyway, I think you need to be patched up now. I'll take you to my house and we'll do it there"

I nodded and we started walking to his house. It was still school time so it was a peaceful walk and when we got to his house his parents weren't in since they both had work.

"Go sit on the counter and I'll get some stuff for your face" I nodded and walked over to his counter while Craig went out of the room.

After many failed attempts of getting on top of his unusually tall counter top, I managed to jump up and Craig walked back into the room.

I don't think most people had actually seen my face due to my hood so I felt un-easy when I thought about him asking me to take it off.

The only wounds that I needed to play off were the ones around my eyes. Like when he punches me or uses his knife ,which is very painful. He'll normally mark lines on my back, face or stomach, usually carving words like 'weak' 'pathetic' 'f*ggot' or just words that will make me feel bad about myself. They work. Sometimes, I get my lighter and burn my thighs or the top of my arm. Or I'll get a knife and- never mind. I won't talk about it.

Then Craig walks into the room with a first aid kit.

"I see you managed to get up" he said while smirking. "Take yours and my coat off for me"
I took off my Parker hesitantly, letting my hood fall and he looked at me in astonishment.

-Craig's thoughts-
He's gorgeous. I thought I liked him before but now, he's just perfect. He always was but this was just the cherry on top. His beautiful golden hair and bright blue eyes. He is adorable

"Uhh Craig? You okay?" I said, slightly worried wether he was judging me or adoring me. He shook his head out of the gaze and speed-walked over and opened the first aid kit. He took some plasters and cleansing stuff out and started to treat my face.

After about ten minutes of him patching me up, I realise it was getting dark and darted my eyes to the big clock in his kitchen. It was in Roman numerals so that didn't help.

"What time is it?!" I yelled

"Uhh it's 6:45 just gone. Why?"

"Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT! Shit Craig I gotta go!" I picked up my coat and zipped it up.

"Hold on why so soon?" Craig said sounding disappointed.

"I just have to go Craig I can't explain why I'm sorry. Thank you for patching me up and all but bye!" I quickly ran out of his door

This can't be good.

Finally this chapter is finished! I literally couldn't think of ideas lol but yeah. I like how it has turned out and I hope you do too! Until next time!

1266 words

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