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"You don't believe me!" he yelled. He had called them for this very purpose; to tell them who was responsible for the Clone War, who was responsible for the death of all his brothers.

"Fives, we are listening. We only want to help." Rex's voice came through the ray shield.

"How do I know you're not tricking me?" he asked. "How do I know, it... it won't be a trap?" he felt woozy as he said it. "The Chancellor will try to kill me, oh I promise you that!"

"The Chancellor?" General Anakin Skywalker exclaimed. Fives began walking around the swirling white globe.

"He's in on this." he said. His hand went to his head. "I dunno to what extent, but I know he orchestrated much of this! He told me in the medical bay."

"He told you." Skywalker repeated. "When you tried to assassinate him? You have gone too far, Fives. The Chancellor is incapable of what you claim."

"He is!" Fives shouted, frustrated. "I swear to you, General. You have no idea.." at that moment, behind Fives, guns clicked and a voice shouted, "Stand down, stand down on your knees!" He began to panic.

"No, no no. Please! Stay back!" he yelled as he turned to where Rex had laid his pistols.

"Don't do it, don't do it soldier." Commander Fox exclaimed. Fives lunged for the blasters and he said, "Get away from me!" and grabbed them. As he lifted them, Rex yelled something through the shield, but it was too late. Fox shot Fives right above the heart. Instantly, Fives gasped and dropped the gun. Shock filled his war- torn face as he looked down at the hole in his chest. Legs beginning to buckle, he placed a hand over the wound and dropped, landing roughly on his side. He vaguely heard another shot and he rolled onto his back as Rex reached his side. Pain was flooding his body, and he could feel the blood seeping to his lungs.

"Fives," he heard Rex plead. Trying to summon enough breath, Fives looked at him with difficulty.

"Rex," he gasped. "This... its... the ending of us. If anything I could have imagined, I.. I never meant... to.. I only wanted to do my duty." his sight was fading and his breathing was growing harder. Way harder.

"Fives, brother." Rex's voice faintly came to his ears. "Stay with me Fives! Fives!"

"The mission.... the nightmares.... they're... finally.... over." his sight finally gave away to pure blackness as he faded away.

As Fives went limp in his arms, Rex began to panic.

"Fives, no Fives! Come on Fives. Don't go. Stay with me, stay with me! Fives, Fives. Don't go." he pleaded. But it was obvious that it was too late. "No. Oh no." his heart seemed to break as he laid Fives' body onto the ground. He felt a slight pressure on his shoulder as General Skywalker placed a hand on it. At that moment, his world wanted to shatter into thousands of pieces. This... this was his brother. The only member of the Domino Squad to survive. The one who had helped him see his mistake in trusting Krell. His mind shut down and he wept.

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