Cody Meets Sabine

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Cody hated running, but it had become a habit of his, starting... well, starting on Kamino. He couldn't run from the past forever, but right now, he was going to run for all it was worth. He didn't realize he had run into the old spice warehouse until he hit a box hard. Hitting the ground, he felt the wind push past him as the box finally rested beside him. He laid there, just staring at the ceiling. His thoughts traced their way backwards, to when he had arrived on Lothal.

"We have arrived at our destination." a droid's monotone voice stated. He grabbed a sack with his armor and a couple other necessities and lurched to his feet, his helmet covering his white face. He didn't know how Commander Tano had helped him, but he was at least able to board a transport to Lothal. He stumbled off of the transport, nearly falling onto a couple. The man scowled at him, but Fives didn't care. He made his way through the city, clutching his shoulder. He was pretty sure it was bleeding badly by now, but right now, finding somewhere to collapse was his main focus. He tripped over something and hit a door hard. He didn't bother to get up. He was probably going to die anyway. But unlike his brothers, he was going to die a coward. His vision swam. He seemed to see Hardcase, grinning at him.

"Get up, brother!" he said. "You're not going to be able to prank General Skywalker like that." he felt someone, probably Kix dragging him away from Hardcase. He began to struggle, but someone that was definitely NOT a clone injected something into his arm, and the world fell into blackness.

Slowly, Cody forced himself up. He hadn't eaten all day, and besides, he needed to get all evidence of his being out of his filthy apartment. He didn't trust Liers to keep his past a secret, so the only logical thing was to run.

"Except I've never been logical." Cody grumbles to himself. He smirked as he imagined Jesse's sarcastic reply. 'Yeah, shoulda listened to me, huh?'

"Anything for you, brother." Cody mumbled, still smirking as he headed back to his apartment. He might find Rex and Liers and Wolffe still there, but he would bet that they had gone to find somewhere for Wolffe to stay. He made it back without incident to find the door still open.

"Predictable." he muttered under his breath. Then he tensed as he heard Liers loud voice. He crept to the doorway, his right hand on a blaster. He looked in, and wasn't too surprised to see Rex and Liers on the floor, pulling the cover off of his formerly secret alcove.

"I won't." Rex was saying. Cody rolled his eyes and smirked. "Anything else you mind telling me before I look at the armor?" Liers shook his head, obviously confused.

"Before we open this, I need to tell you that this clone was an accomplished medic himself." Rex added. Cody couldn't help it as he leaned against the doorway and snorted. Rex had lost his head. He wasn't a medic at all. Kix had been, but surely Rex didn't think that he was Kix?

"Thats... that's impossible!" Liers spluttered. Cody's smirk grew.

"For once, your right." he muttered under his breath.

"His CT number is 6116 and his name is Kix." Rex stated. Cody shook his head. Rex must have hit his head on something. Then he saw Rex lift the blanket covering his armor. His smirk dropped and he felt like running again, but he forced himself to stay and see Rex's reaction. Even though he was a little far to see it, he could picture the blue and white helmet with its blue drawing of the Rishi eel. He stepped into the quiet room.

"Care to explain why you are looking through this place?" he asked. Liers jumped, his eyes wide and his face white. But Rex was still staring at his helmet.

"I... I promise I didn't tell him everything, I swear!" blurted the medic. Cody rolled his eyes.

"Of course you didn't." he replied, sarcasm dripping from his tongue. "You only told him pretty much everything I told you not to tell the world."

"Why?" it took Cody a moment to realize that Rex had spoken.

"What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you return?" Rex asked, standing up suddenly and facing Cody.

"If I remember correctly," Cody snapped through clenched teeth without thinking. "I was shot by a clone and betrayed by everyone of my brothers." Instantly, he regretted even coming back.
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"I didn't! And neither did Kix!" Rex shot back. The two clone's glared at each other before a sound broke their eye contact. Cody rolled his eyes. The Mandalorian girl was in the doorway with the Twi'lik, and both were obviously ready to take him out.

"Rex, what is going on?" the Mandalorian asked, both blasters pointed at Cody.

"I'm a little busy, Sabine." Rex growled. Cody flinched.

"Just having a yelling contest, that's all." Cody added casually. He couldn't help the smirk that crept onto his face as Rex glared back at him.

"Some yelling contest." the Twi'lik coolly stated. "Matter-of-fact, it was an argument, that I heard, not a contest." Cody cringed inwardly.

"Hera, forget it." Rex snapped. "Why are you here?"

"Wolffe woke up and was worried, and he kept mentioning something about a clone that you were after. And Sabine here needs an extra hand slicing the systems here without a Stormtrooper calling for help." Cody couldn't help it. He snorted. Hera turned on him.

"Is something wrong, kid?" she asked tersely. Cody instantly tensed.

"Yes, actually there is." he answered, the anger in his voice evident. "First off, I think I'm old enough to be called an adult. I'm pretty sure that if any of the 501st heard you call me that, they would have ripped your lekku out without any hesitation. And I can guarantee you that you don't call Rex, 'kid'. Second, if your little Mandalorian can't keep some di'kut from calling the Empire here, then Rex won't either. Besides, if you had the courage to venture this far into Capitol City, then the undercover spies here have already reported you." he stopped for a moment before continuing. "If you'd like, I can talk to one of them, but if the Empire comes back, I'm not going to help save your sorry shebs." the stunned silence around him made him turn red.

"What did you just say?" Sabine's voice broke it, and by her tone, Cody could tell he'd crossed a line or two. But that didn't stopped him from continuing.

"I don't think you want me to repeat that." he replied snarkily. Rex must have seen something, because he stepped in between the two.

"Sabine, ignore what he calls you." he said, glaring back at Cody. "Hera, we can discuss this later, but we'll have to take him."

"No way!" Cody yelled, unconsciously putting a hand on one of his hidden blasters. It was a bad move, but the unaware clone didn't realize it.

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