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Grimacing, Cody rubbed the bruises left by Rex on his arm. He couldn't help but wonder why Rex had risked his life on some clone that he didn't know.

"But I'm not a clone anymore." Cody reminded himself. "I'm just a normal citizen from Lothal that decided to take over the Capital City building." with that in mind, he climbed the ladder to what seemed to be the cockpit. The Lasat, Twi'lik, Mandalorian, and a couple others were there, including Rex. A blue hologram had just flickered off and the silence that had replaced it was deafening. Finally, the Twi'lik sighed as she turned the ship and flew it over the moving mass that must be the streets of Capital City.

"It looks like the Empire has finally been defeated here." a man with light brown hair said.

"If only Ezra had gotten to see it."Rex sighed.

"But we did this for him, Rex." the Mandalorian pointed out. "So Lothal is now free." she smiled as she looked down at the people cheering and celebrating. When the ship landed, most of the crew on the ship got off, but Rex stayed behind, pulling Wolffe and Cody with him. Cody frowned as he crossed his arms.

"What do you want?" he asked. Wolffe's head jerked toward him.

"What's your CT number?" Rex asked. Cody's frown deepened into a scowl.

"Do you really think I'd tell you?" he growled. "I came to Lothal to escape the Empire, not be interrogated by you." his hands automatically slid down to his blasters.

"Slow down there, trooper." Rex replied calmly. "We are just curious."

"Well in case you haven't noticed," Cody snarled. "I don't want to share." he turned to leave, but froze when he heard the click of a blaster rifle. Instantly, his brain switched back to a time when another gun had clicked from behind him. The results had been deadly and he had almost died, had it not been for a caring droid. Before he realized what he was doing, he had sprinted out of the ship and was running. He twisted his way through crowds of people, determined to get to his apartment before he had a panic attack.

Within minutes, he had locked himself in his apartment and sat there, trying to ward off the panic attack and with it, the memories. But finally, he had to give in.


Running, his breath came in great gasps. He pushed people out of the way, determined to fight his way out of the medic bay before he was caught and accused of trying to assassinate the Chancellor.

"FIVES!" he heard General Ti call. She was chasing him. The blast doors up head were closing, and fast. He made one more desperate jump and sailed through them just before the clamped shut. He forced himself up and ran for the lower levels..... Suddenly, he saw another clone in blue and white armor with a shield running for a ship.

"Echo, no wait!" he called, feeling helpless as Rex restrained him. And then the ship that Echo had begun to board exploded.

"ECHO!" he screamed, his world shattering. Rex was shouting something and pulling him away as he saw Echo's broken helmet laying on the ground. Again, it switched back to Coruscant, this time, with Fox behind him, blaster point at him.

"NO!" he screamed as he opened his eyes. He lay on his floor, sweating profusely. He lay there for a few more moments before getting up. He knelt before a loose slab on the floor, and opening it, revealed blue and white clone armor. On the top, was a helmet with a crude painting of a Rishi beast.

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