Vol.2 Prologue

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Violence is the strongest force. There's no debate—it's just the way it is. No matter who, everyone crumbles under overwhelming force. No one keeps a clear head while getting beat down. No one is immune from violence.

The only problem is practicality. Violence always has the power to destroy, so society needs rules against it. The issue with using violence is you always have to avoid and work around certain rules, otherwise even stronger violence will come in and rein you in. But in my middle school, everyone was a delinquent and any kind of enforcement was absolutely worthless. Everyone was willing to use violence, and nobody cared enough to stop. That's why it was easy for me to rise to the top—the rules were easy. I was playing on easy mode.

Here, though... it's a much harder stage. Cameras are everywhere, everyone has phones, everyone is wary of other classes, everyone is wary... You might get expelled the instant you punch someone. Who knows?

But in the end, this just means there are more rules I have to play around. The great thing about violence is it never loses its power. Even the Gods aren't above violence, are they?

The school recognizes this too. Putting me in this class—it's like they're telling me to give it my best shot. A black guy twice my size. A feisty martial artist. Obedient guys who'll listen after one beating. Girls that either don't care enough or don't want to get hurt, so turn a blind eye. Guys and girls alike who know they can't do anything. This is the ideal group for a guy like me to rule.

Though, there are two outliers in this class of misfits. One is smart so she knows I can't be stopped by her; she'll keep out. The other is too dumb to realize he can't stop me and is too much of a goody-two-shoes to stay away. He'll eventually have to be dealt with, but the question is now or later?

Well for now, I have something more interesting to do.

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