My lady-Thor

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Sorry it's bad, I'm not very good at writing.
F/h/s=favourite hair style

Fyi-I Don't really know what food they have on Asgard.


Your povThe sun was peeping through your window as your heard a knock on your door

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Your pov
The sun was peeping through your window as your heard a knock on your door. After a few seconds your mother came in. "Wake up" she called going to open your curtains. "Today is prince Thor's coronation". I groan and pulled the blanket over my head. "I'll be waiting downstairs" my mum said as she walked out of the room. Dragging myself out of bed I go to my closet and pick out something to wear. I choose a f/c dress that goes down past my knees and has gold details. The dress I am wearing to the coronation is hung on one of the hangers with matching shoes placed underneath it. I scrape my hair into a f/h/s and dab a-bit of makeup on.

Downstairs my parents and older brother were already eating breakfast. Taking a seat next to my brother, Ezra who was practically inhaling his breakfast, I took a slice of bread and started to put some butter on it. "When do we go to the palace?" I asked. "In about 3 hours" my mother replied.

After I had eaten I walked upstairs and got my robe and towel ready for a shower. As I was walking to the shower I saw my brother walk out of his room with a towel draped over his shoulder. Looking at me he rushed to the shower and smirked at me before closing the bathroom door. Groaning I went back to my room and experimented with different lipstick colours, I decided on a natural looking lipstick as I was going to do eyeshadow in f/c and wanted my eye makeup to draw attention.

I decided to look to see if my brother was done, he was. Walking to the shower I glared at him, if looks could kill, he would be dead and six feet underground. After I took a shower and dried my hair I walked back to my room ready to start my hair. I pulled my hair into and elegant but casual low bun and put some striking makeup on. As I was putting on my shoes I heard my mum call that we were going soon. Hurriedly grabbing a matching clutch I headed out of my room to wait down stairs for my brother and dad.

When we got to the palace/castle I stared in awe at the magnificent building. We were escorted inside and quickly found our seats. Suddenly the sound of trumpets filled the room and a red veil was lifted revealing prince Thor. Odin did his speech and crowned Thor king of Asgard. Thor waved to his fellow civilians and caught my eye. Well I thought he did. When we made our way to the hall plates with snacks adorned the table and drinks were being passed around.

I looked around taking in the scenery. A voiced suddenly boomed beside me. "Hello their" I whipped around only to see myself face to face with Thor. "Hello your majesty" I said politely. We spend nearly the rest of the evening talking and bonding.

The next day I could hardly believed what had happened, Thor had asked to chat again today. I dressed in a casual outfit that was still presentable for a king and did my hair in a low ponytail. Soon Thor and I were hanging out everyday and I started to develop feelings for him. After a couple of months Thor was sent on a mission on Midgard. I felt sad about him leaving and said I would come to visit.

As I promised I went to visit him on Midgard only to find him kissing a girl. My heart panted with jealousy as I watched him. I couldn't do anything we were just best friends, right?

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