The secret agent

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I use the name Maria hill in my story however this is not connected to the mcu

Smiling in triumph she clutched her possession as if it was going to run away.Out of the corner of her eye she saw the outline of a person. Creeping in the shadows she knew she couldn't keep this secret any longer. He would find out sooner or later. However she was determined to make it later. Slipping on her mask she saw a text from her fellow detective, the one and only Detective Jackson. The text said "I found some new crime", he had attached a photo of what looked like her silhouette "oh no" she said with worry in her voice.

Not the prologue anymore
Yellow light dimly lit the dark attic where Detective Jackson and Agent Hill were studying worn out sheets of paper trying to figure out who the mysterious person was.

Agent hill had her hair tied up into a ponytail. Although she was told to wear dark colours so they did not draw attention to themselves, she wore a butter yellow blouse that was peeking out from her navy blue jumper. Her old boots looked hardly a day old, as she had polished them for hours. Navy framed sunglasses hid her face. Bright red earrings decorated her ears.Dark jeans with large pockets were useful for storing things like knives and magnifying glasses. To finish the look she wore a large trench coat which hid everything else that she was wearing.

Detective Jackson on the other hand was strictly all dress code, with a fully black outfit. The only thing colourful about him was his emerald green magnifying glass peeking out from one of the pockets from his trench coat. This was the only outfit anyone had ever seen him wear, maybe it was his height of 203 centimetres that made it so incredibly hard to find clothes that fit.

"Looks a little like you, brown eyes and auburn hair with streaks of taupe," Detective Jackson said observing the images he had found. Beads of sweat started to form on Agent Hazel's hairline, "I dye my hair, the colour often changes, anyway you should go back to your papers' ' she said hurriedly. The detective looked suspiciously at her then shook his head and turned back to his work. Mentally sighing in relief she turned back and switched on the ancient computer to find evidence that she wasn't who she really was. Glancing behind her at the rickety clock she saw she had a meeting with one of her aliases. Making up an excuse she said, "well it's getting late I have to get going" she said laughing lightly. Slipping down the decaying ladder. After she had left he inspected the images closer the mystery person had a birthmark, a very distinct heart shaped patch on their left jaw. He had seen that before on someone and that someone was.

"Agent Hill!" She had been there all along. If he was being a hundred percent honest agent Hill had been a bit suspicious lately. Always changing the topic when it was about their new culprit, always fiddling nervously when they were studying the photos, it all made sense, he was just to blind to see it, until now.

While the detective was busy worrying about his suspect, Agent Hill was creeping around in her black outfit with a matching mask. The mask was only for "eye decoration" her alias had said. It left the most distinguishing  part of her face in the open. Her jaw, with her heart shaped birthmark.

Quickly climbing down the unsteady ladder trying to catch up to wherever Agent Hill was. Meanwhile Agent Hill crept around a rustic mansion trying to find a way in. Loud footsteps approached and in a hurry Agent Hill slipped away into the shadows. Peeping her head around the corner of the brick building she saw the outline of a trench coat and a hat. She knew the look of it too well. With her heart beating 100 kilometres per hour she slinked away like a cat. Devastated that he had let his suspect get away he decided to just confront her the next day.

The next day Agent Hill walked in with a fake smile plastered on her face. Knocking on the rotting mahogany door she was surprised when no one answered. Knocking again she started to shout, "It's me Maria Hill otherwise known as Agent Hill!" still no response, so she pushed open the heavy door to reveal an empty attic. "Hello" she called out nothing, all she could hear was the sound of her heart beating. Shrugging it off she sat down at the desk and began to do her work. Merely minutes later Detective Jackson burst through the door gasping for air, "sorry I'm late" he said breathing loudly. "No worries," she said with a sceptical look.

Later that day Detective Jackson had tried to talk about how the suspect looked like her however was unsuccessful as she always said she had got an urgent phone call or had to read this an email. Finally Detective Jackson had enough and decided to say something.

Should I add a part two for this???

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