Age: 19
Birthdate: May 10, 2003
Height: 168 cm
Pronouns: (she/her)
Major: Greek mythology
Main Hobby: Modeling
Immediate Family Members:
Bastian Dreyse (Father; March 11, 1984; Park ranger)
Katryne Langwer (Mother; February 5, 1984; Song writer)
Cilas Dreyse (Paternal grandfather; May 24, 1960; Business owner)
Nume Brandenburg (Paternal grandmother; August 20, 1987; Camera operator)
Ensel Langwer (Maternal grandfather; May 26, 1952; Author)
Coelestine Kallweit (Maternal grandmother; July 11, 1953; Mathematician)
Campus Life
FanfictionThe Attack on Titan characters and a few original characters all get accepted into the same college. It's therapy after the ending of AOT. In other words, all of these characters are going to end up happy, one way or another. To begin with, a good...