Chapter 2: The aplication

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I was nervous super nervous I had just applyed for a interveiw with the project 863 team the youtubers dealing with mystrey witch seemed like Deb was leading them on to the rest of the secrects of syntec.

(15th July 2021)

I got a email my interveiw is tommorw YAY LETS GO I shouted to my empty apartment.

I set a special suit up and that stuff it was a good idea in hignsight knowing that I was probably gonna wake up to early or late so just having it all next to me would be useful.

(16th July 2021)

I woke up i checked the time oh shoot my interveiw is in an hour. I ran and grabbed my breakfast and cloths  eat my breakfast and throw my cloths on. Time skip to the interview I ran out the car to the glass door then slowed my pace regaining my composure realising that I am really nervous but before I could think about it Mat came to the door and said "Hello I've been looking forward to meeting you. Time skip to after the interveiw I left the building nervous about the reasult but hopeful cas i seemed to of played it of good.

(random day #3)

I checked my emails after writing in my diary witch i had always written after running away from Syntec.


We really would like to make you the newest member of the spellbound team 

We hope to see you in  tommorw.

(19th july 2021)

I grabbed my preplanned out fit and ran to the car.

( I know this is a cliffhanger but this will continue next Chapter)

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