Chapter 5: Traveling to timeline 1

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The team fell back into there seats as the room blinked out of existence and reappeard in the armor bay of the InterUniversal HQ I pressed the buttons labled timeline 1 and latest date. I asked the team are we  ready. Mat who was shocked asked me what did I just do I said now we can travel timelines and this one is the original timeline. The team all nodded and said they where ready. I pressed the button to confirm. It felt like the whole universe shook when we appeard aboth blue base of timeline 1 and i jumped out and teleported the team to me due to the suits and walked in. The whole team of timeline 1 jumped back as they saw me and the team. They shouted wait you guys are clones but who are you pointing at me. Ok ok ill explain what is going on but first lets grab a coffee. I materialised a coffee for everyone and sat down. I explained everything what has happend then I told them that a code (redacted) would give them the key they needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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