Chapter 13

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"Wow, nice digs."

Andy steps out of my fireplace and looks around. "Probably asking the obvious here, but why did you call me to your house instead of your office?"

I sigh. "Long story. Tea? Coffee?"

"Coffee, milk and sugar."

I chuckle. "I would never have guessed you're a milk and sugar kind of bloke."

"Well, long story or short story, here I am."

I point to one of my chairs, and he takes a seat.

"This is going to involve the utmost discretion."

Andy looks momentarily offended. "I always use the utmost discretion. You know that, Nick. Or at least you should."

"I'm sorry," I say. "Of course you do. It's just that the person I need you to follow is not your average person. He's Harry Potter."

Andy goggles at me. "You've got to be joking."

I shrug apologetically. "Sorry, but nope."

"Did you see what he did to The Prophet's building this morning?"

"I seriously doubt Auror Potter would ever kill someone. He made sure the building was completely empty of people before he blew it up."

"Hhhmmm, very comforting," Andy says sarcastically. "So let's pretend for a moment that I take this job - which I certainly have not indicated - what am I looking for exactly?"

"Anything at all out of the ordinary."

Andy breaks down laughing. "Care to tell me what 'ordinary' even means in Harry Potter's world?" he asks, wiping his eyes.

I glare at him because all joking aside, the situation really isn't even remotely funny.

"He . . . he may be in danger," I say.

"One of The Prophet's investors is after him? And I'm being completely serious."

"No," I say. "I'm sorry, Andy, but I can't give you anymore than that."

"I don't even know where he lives! No one does."

"Well, you know where he works and you've got Aurors that you're friendly with. Go and hang out at law enforcement and follow him if he leaves."

"No problem, boss," he says with mocking confidence. "Right away. I'll have learned every detail of Harry bloody Potter's life by tomorrow lunch."

I give him an exasperated expression. "Please, Andy. I'm actually begging you."

He must see the depth of my seriousness because he nods. "I'll do my best," he says.

• • •


I stand up from my desk as he walks through my door and closes it behind him. He's got his packet of cigarettes out before I can even blink.

"The one and only," he drawls. He more or less throws himself into his usual chair. I find myself wondering if he's thinking about making love to Harry here in this very office and then decide that of course he is. How could he not be?

"I'm very glad to see you," I tell him. "But I've got a patient coming in fifteen minutes. Can you come back in an hour and a half? After this patient, I've got the rest of the day free."

Draco turns his head and blows smoke toward the window.

"No need," he says. "I just wanted to stop by and thank you for giving Harry the note I sent you."

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