23- Notice

98 7 3

Keqing's pov

  One thing I learned from Ningguang.
You can only hold your feelings down for so long.
Eventually they erupt.
  They almost did when Ningguang proposed to my best friend.
  They almost did as I helped Beidou into her dress, did her hair, tried not to admire her beauty.
  They almost did as I watched those two lovesick idiots for the rest of the night.
  I wanted to hurt someone.
I wanted to punch Ningguang in her beautiful, calm face, the one that stole my friend.
I wanted to kiss Beidou, to feel her lips on mine.
I wanted to scream.
I wanted to understand why she didn't love me, why she fell for someone like Ningguang's.
  They were so sickeningly perfect.
I hated them for it.
I still hate them for it.
  Ningguang's never even came to see Beidou. I was the one she woke up next to. But she still clings to Ningguang like her life depends on it.
  I look so calm on the outside. So supportive. I act like I want to keep their marriage together.
  But I'm praying it fails.
I have loved Beidou from the moment I met her, but she's never noticed me. Why can't she love me? Why died it have to be someone else? Why am I invisible to her? Why couldn't I have her?

Now, I'm too late.
She's married. And (for the most part) happy.
And I...

                           I really hate her for it.

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