60- Always

68 8 1

Ganyu's pov

Finals are done and school is out! Finally! I'm officially done with high school. Now I have to go through college and all that. Shit, I don't even know what I wanna do. Eh, we'll figure that out later.
I wish Venti could've come to my graduation. But, according to Barbara, he wasn't well enough to be out that long. So no one was there for me.
  But it's okay! It's not Venti's fault or anything. It's just... I would've like him to be there. It would have been great to have him there to congratulate me. But what does it matter? It doesn't, really. It's not like I care.
Venti's asleep when I get to his room. I place a kiss on his forehead, smiling as he stirs under my touch. His eyes flutter open as he looks up at me. Immediately, he lights up like a friggin glow stick.
"Ganyu!" Venti sits himself up before attacking me into a hug. For someone of his size, he's really quite strong.
"Hey, Venti. You're happy to see me."
He giggles. "I thought I was gonna die of boredom it was terrible and I felt like shit too and you weren't there so it made me sad because you couldn't stay with me but it's okay cause you're here now anyway enough about me how were finals?" He rushes out in one breath, smiling happily at me afterwards.
I laugh. "They were fine. Long. But they're over now."
Venti repositions to where he's laying down with his head in my lap. "Sorry I couldn't come to your graduation. I tried to beg it out Barbara, but noooo she just has to be good at her job."
I run a hand through his hair, undone but wavy from his braids. "It's alright. Are you feeling better now?"
He shrugs. "A little. I mean, I don't have a fever anymore so I guess I am."
"You were sick? Like, sick sick? Why didn't you tell me? Damn, now I feel bad about not visiting you."
Venti shakes his head. "It's okay. You were probably really tired after finals so it's good you didn't come see me. I was out for most of the time anyway, so it's not like you could have really talked to me."
"And? You wouldn't of been alone. Gosh, Venti, why didn't you text me or something? I would've left in the middle of a test if you asked me to."
He smiles. "You're so nice to me. It's okay, I'm feeling better now."
I huff. "You said a little."
Venti laughs softly. "But you're here. So everything's okay. It's always okay when you're here. I just wish I was well enough to see your graduation. I didn't get to see Xiao's, so I thought for sure I could see yours. But I was still sick, so. Sorry."
I brush navy bangs back and out of his face. He's so understanding, so apologetic for something he can't control. I place a kiss on his lips, smiling at his surprise. "You're wonderful, Ven."
He frowns. "Am I really? I didn't go to your graduation. I didn't go to any big things with you, did I? Ah, I'm sorry. I'm gonna be there next time something like this happens."
I sigh. "Venti, it's not your fault. You got sick. You can't control that. Besides, you're in a fragile state right now. You need to do what's best for you and your health above me."
"I wish I didn't have to." Venti's voice is so quiet I almost don't hear him. "I wanna be there for you. I don't want you to always just... wish I were there. I want to be healthy enough that it's never a concern."
I entwine my fingers with his, squeezing his hand gently. "Maybe one day you will. But for now you need to focus on keeping yourself as healthy as possible."
Venti sighs. "I love you Ganyu."
"Love you too, Ven."
He looks up at me. "Can you stay?"
I press a kiss to his lips, soft and slow.


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