58- Alone

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Venti's pov

Today is not exactly a good day. My head hurts like all hell and I'm quite terribly exhausted. The pounding in my skull makes it hard to think. And I find I've started to develop a cough.
Ganyu's not coming today. She's got finals for the next three days so I won't see her until they're over.
I wish she were here. The silence surrounds me without her to chase it away.
It's funny. It took me months to feel anything for Xiao. But in the two months I've known this girl, she's thrust him from my mind.
Honestly, I prefer this. I know it's bad to say, after being with Xiao for literal years. But Ganyu keeps me grounded in a way Xiao never could. She's bright and beautiful and as ridiculous as it is to say so soon, I love her.
My head hurts and this cough makes my throat incredibly sore. It's so lonely here by myself. I just want Ganyu to stay with me. I know I'd feel better if she were here.
But she's not. I'm alone.
I cough into my sleeve, the force of it wracking through my entire body, sending little stabs of pain through my chest. It's hard to breathe. I can't get enough air to my lungs and this cough isn't helping. With effort, I manage to slow my breathing down enough to stop the pangs in my chest.
I hate this. I hate I'm alone. I'm in so much freaking pain and I just want someone to talk to.
But no one's here.

I once again find myself alone.

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