36- Thanks

75 7 2

Ganyu's pov

  I have some free time today, so I've decided I'm gonna visit Venti. It must get lonely being secluded in one little room all the time. Maybe I'll ask one of the nurses if I can take him outside sometime. That'd be nice, especially with how pleasant the weather's been.
  I make my way to Venti's room, small bouquet of cecillias in hand. I heard he liked them, so I thought I'd bring him some. I've even put them in a pale green vase. Not sure why, but I feel kinda nervous. I take a deep breath before opening the door.
Venti is perched on his bed, sketching away in a notebook. Art supplies is scattered across the pastel purple comforter. His braids are done today, and he's wearing some black leggings, fuzzy grey socks, and an oversized, pale blue hoodie that practically swallows the boy's small frame. He smiles when he sees me.
  "Ganyu, hey! Come in!" Venti give me a sweet grin that could light up the world. I close the door, returning his smile.
"Hi Venti. Um... I brought you some flowers."
He giggles. "I can see. Thanks!" I set them on a small table beside his bed. He piles his miscellaneous art supplies into a pile to make room for me. I carefully sit down, somehow still nervous.
  Venti seems so happy today. It's quite the stark change from the bleak, broken boy I met last week. I grin. "What's got you so exited?"
At that, he perks up. "I'm just really happy you came to visit! It's kinda boring here, and I was kinda sad, so this is great!"
I tilt my head. "What were you sad about? Was... was it Xiao?"
Venti flinches. "W-well... partially. Umm... my birthday's in a week. I really hate them. I mean, it's kinda a really big reminder that I've only got so much time here. Usually, Xiao would stay with me so I wouldn't have to be alone and think about that, but..." He looks down, absentmindedly twirling a braid between his fingers. "I... I'm turning nineteen. I'll have an estimated one year left, and God, I'm terrified."
I place my hand on his. Venti lets out a shuddering breath. I can understand why he's so scared. I mean, I'm a perfectly healthy person. I have, like, sixty something years ahead of me and I'm still scared to die. But... to have your entire life stripped from you and to be given just a few years... that'd kill me.
  "I could stay with you," I say. "If you want."
Venti smiles "Th-that'd be nice, thanks. But you don't have to."
I take those small hands of his in mine. "Hey. It's okay. I'm here." He grins, ocean blue eyes full of light.
His smile fills me with serenity.


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