Chapter 1: The Gentlemen

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Narrator's POV

Have you ever heard that sometimes in life, you just think that things are going to get better? You have more than once right? Or perhaps more than you have heard? Or more than you can chew? Well, let's just say things aren't going to get better. They might not even get better at all. They just keep getting worse and worse, and it won't stop until people stop complaining and get up off of their asses and make it change. Stop complaining about the hardships you face in life and stand up for yourself. Stand the hell up, look fate in the eyes and force it on its knees, and make it your fucking bitch.

Change won't happen because you cry like a little bitch, instead, it will change for the better if you stand your fucking ass up and make it happen. Stop wishing for good things to happen and then except the fucking universe to throw a pity card on you and hand you a fucking handkerchief to wipe your fucking tears with. Man or woman, it doesn't matter, but what does matter is getting off your ass and working your way back up, and soon, you'll realize who gets to make the change. Fate doesn't do it, you do it. Remember that when you do it yourself, you make a change.


Do you want to know something hilarious? Many people asked me what I would do after I graduated from highschool-er, well, after I dropped out, what I wanted to do with my life after I did, and I always told them that I would go on to make a name for myself and become a millionaire and be world-renowned as the best richest guy in the whole fucking world.

That's not the point at all anymore, apparently. After graduation, or well, after dropping out of high school, you end up on the streets with no money and no family to help you. Of course, that's how my parents saw me after I stupidly got dropped out of high school, and that's fine by me since I didn't always need someone to baby me and treat me like the world isn't as cruel as it may seem. I hate everyone in general, animal or human. Though, with the money I made pulling small jobs around the city and without getting caught, I managed to get myself an apartment. Hell, before I even bought an apartment, I was living inside of a warehouse I broke into, and of course, I had to break the same window because they kept fixing it, although my stay didn't last long because they eventually installed cameras and caught onto me, thankfully I always wore a balaclava mask in case I got pinched.

The only protection I have is my trusty Beretta M9A1 by my side. With it, we robbed a few gas stations and supermarkets and made off with the loot. Thankfully no one ever suspected it was us because we always went back and hid in the warehouse which was abandoned after some time and soon after I started using it as a hiding spot for whenever I finish pulling off a job. Now, if you ask if I ever killed someone, let's just say that I was paid at least 2'500$ to off a guy and dump his body over the harbor. Why didn't I use that money and buy myself a house? Well, I may be a high school drop out but I ain't that dumb. If they saw that I, a wolf that wears suspicious-looking clothes suddenly buys a big ass house and gets a new suit, that would give it away, so no, I'd stayed in that good for nothing lowdown apartment because there is no way I'm going to give it all away.

Still, killing someone isn't my go-to, and trust me, it wasn't easy for me, it was very difficult, the worst part is that I had to keep my eyes closed when I pulled the trigger. I never wanted to kill someone, but I needed the money.

I'm an asshole sure, but I would never want to be in the shoes of a murderer. But sadly, it seems as though I will never outgrow my shoe size.

Right now, I was inside of a bar just drinking myself to death, at least that's what I hoped for, but I still needed to get something through with. "One more?" The human, Walter Scott Webb, was behind the bar, he always asks me the same question and I just respond with the same one. I just shook my head and he took the glass away. "Hey Walter, between you and me, have you ever thought of just quitting for good?" I asked him, knowing well that Walter's history isn't as clean as I thought it was.

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