Chapter 10: Elektra

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5 Years Later...

Narrator's POV

"Damn. It's such a shame that we lost Mr.Fisk." A cat gang member sighed as he blew a puff of smoke from his mouth as he held a lit cigar in between his index and middle finger. "Yeah, and without him, we got no job, and no job means no money. Guess I'm gonna have to go back to holding up gas stations." A human gang member said as he pushed his pool stick forward, shooting one of the pool balls into the others, all of them loudly clashing around the pool table. 

"Yeah. But did you hear?" One of the human gang members said as he threw a newspaper on the table, revealing a story about the new vigilante in town. Notorious for taking down the Kingpin.

"Daredevil." They all growled in disgust since DareDevil was known for being the one who took down the Kingpin, who was the gang's only source of income. "Yeah, you remember Darkwolf? Well, that's him. Little rat thought a name change could hide his new identity, but we need to find out who he is, and show him that New York belongs to The Kingpin!" One of them said and the others agreed, however, they all stopped when they heard an ominous cackle come from a shadowy corner.

"That would not be a very wise decision boys." A spine-chilling voice came from the dark corner as a 5'5 figure came out from it, holding a billy club threateningly. "DareDevil." One of the gang members whispered.

"I know what it's like to have something, if not someone taken from you, you know? I once had this guy, who I wanted to kill, but Kingpin swooped in and took that kill from me. It's like having something you've worked so hard on and for how long? Days? Months? Years? You spent your whole life trying to reach your goal but then comes in this...this sleazy son of a bitch or company and steals it from you. You accumulated all of this, you put so much work into it, and...and it just disappears in a matter of seconds. No warning. Just straight up cheap shotting what you spent your whole life working hard on and some pieces of shit just outright steal it all in seconds." DareDevil said as the gang members listened quietly.

"You want revenge. That need for revenge boils down inside of your heart and blackens it with the shadow of hate and fury. And all you can think about is the need to enact revenge on the one who wrongfully took what was yours, if not also on the people who said you didn't deserve it because you weren't good enough or that you just weren't meant to be in that sort of field because of what you did, and did everything in their power to make sure you remembered it even though all you did was for the good of others. Even when you try to redo what you had lost, they still sought out to make sure you never walk again, but the anger within and the hate you felt towards the person who destroyed you and the people who say you don't deserve to be here only motivated you to come back and fight back." He said, his voice breathing heavily as he walked around the bar. "But you know. I learned something important." He said as he leaned against a pool table.

"I learned that even though I had a piece of my soul ripped out of my heart, I still kept walking and smiling. Just because you lose something doesn't mean you give up then and there. The universe won't throw a pity party over you and pat you on the back and tell you that things will get better. Well, I say FUCK THAT! We don't fall just because we lost something, we stand our asses back up and do it again! We stare at those sons of bitches in the fucking eye. Force them on their knees and make them our fucking bitches! To whomever those pieces of shit said that you didn't deserve that recognition, well, I got a few words to share." He paused, collecting his breath.

"Take a fucking rod and shove it right back down their fucking mouths and tell them to go suck a dick because even if they try to make us fall. We won't, we stand back up and do it again, because if you love doing what you do, never stop doing it just because some lowlife fatfucking weasel tells you to and says you aren't good enough or because you didn't deserve the attention." He said, pausing to catch his breath. "Most of us don't even do it for attention, we do it because it makes us happy, it makes others happy. So, I am here to tell you that just because you lose something valuable doesn't mean you give up. You stand your fucking ass back up and do it again." He said to the gang members.

"The universe won't help you. Fate won't help you. You are the only one who can help yourself. You're the one who grew fucking arms and legs, so move your ass and do it again." He told the gang members who nodded in agreement. "Believe me. I understand losing something so valuable that you worked so hard on is heartbreaking, but that doesn't mean you can do it again. The more you grow to hate the oppressors, the more you will learn, and the more it motivates you into doing what you love even if it gets taken away again. Like writing a book and then having it taken away because it was 'Not good enough' or because 'It wasn't up to code with the expectations of others. WELL, I SAY FUCK THAT STUPID BULLSHIT!" He yelled at them.

"You know what?" One of the gang members said, dropping the pool stick and walking towards the door, pulling his jacket on. "I'm not gonna do this shit anymore. I'm sorry guys, but Fisk can go fuck himself for all I care. I'm going back to school." He said as he walked out of the bar. Some of the others nodded and got up and left the bar. "I got some money saved up so I'm going back to college. I knew this shit was a bad idea." One of the gang members said as they left the bar along with the others.

"Wise choice," DD whispered as he exited through the back and as he made it out into the alleyway, he noticed a shadow looming over him on the edge of a rooftop. "How long have you been there?" He asked himself as he maneuvered his way up to the rooftop to see Diane wearing red leather accessories, along with two sai's strapped to her waist. "So, 'Elektra', ready to get down to business?" He asked her as two police sirens were heard in the distance. "I am if you are, DareDevil~." She replied as Y/N smiled underneath his mask.

"So. Partners?" She asked him. "Partners~."

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