Chapter 7: Midnight Runners

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"So, how do you want to do this?" I asked Diane as we both sat down on the couch with the files on Fisk spread all over the table. "Hmm. Well, when are you and the police planning an assault on the tower?" I asked her and she sighed, taking off her glasses. "That's the tricky part. The security Fisk hired does know that we have evidence against him and his crimes and we have a warrant out on his arrest, yet they don't want to give him up because he's paying them 10 million dollars each..." He said and my eyes grew wide at that statement.

"10 million fucking dollars?!" I exclaimed loudly, "Don't get any ideas Y/N. Would you risk it all just for 10 million worthless dollars?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow and I shrugged. "Depends, what can I get with 10 million dollars in my pocket? A yacht? A beach mansion or a goddamn private jet?" I asked myself sarcastically and Diane looked at me angrily. "But..." I chuckled.

"What good is having all of that money for? The goddamn IRS will only leech off of me if they ever caught me swimming in green, and I'll be goddamned I'll give those sons of bitches any money. Fuck that. Besides, having you is far more worth than money could ever be, I grew up in a poor household, so being poor is more comfortable for me than being some rich asshole fuck." I told her and she smiled warmly at my declaration, almost as if she too was born poor but worked her way up the ranks, and if she can do that, then so I can i. I rather work my ass off than take the easy way out.

"So, what do you want me to do Diane? You're the only one here who knows how to strategically plan this whole thing out. Anything you want me to do, you name it." I told her, "Well, to start, we're gonna have all of the available police force we can get and have them surround the tower from everywhere, every floor, even the rooftop. Of course, naturally, they'll know we're going to hit them from the rooftop since we had a drone spying on them, and one of the guards shot it down, so it's no doubt that they'll have extra guys on the rooftop, though, if possible, you might be able to rope climb your way up to his office, which is where he'll be hiding obviously." She explained. "Rope climb? Fuck, I've never been a big fan of that shit, but if it means he gets to go down in history as the most dangerous crime boss to fall in handcuffs, then so be it. It's worth it in the end." I replied as I got up and went over to a hidden wooden entrance on the floor.

"What's that?" Diane asked me as I took the wooden cardboard covering off and revealed a weapon case underneath. "You'll see..." I told her as I unclipped the locks off and flipped the case open to reveal a billy club inside. "A fucking billy club?" She asked confusingly but I just smirked at her, "Watch." I told her as I took out of the weapon's case and extended it, turning it into a bo staff.

"It functions as both a bo staff and--" I lowered the extension down, "As a baton. it also comes with a taser, and it can pull itself apart and function as nunchucks, it also has a wire extension which makes it work as a garrote wire." I told her as I pulled out the wire extension and started swinging it around like nunchucks. "That's...highly dangerous yet brilliant. Wait, how the hell did you make this?" She asked me as I handed her the nunchucks.

"Well...I ringed up an old friend from high school. He has...a stormy obsession with spiders, but hell, the guy can make some really good gadgets, I'll tell you that much. He once made this device that shoots out artificial webbing. Not sure where the hell he gets the stuff to make the web but hell if that doesn't count as having an IQ over 100 then I don't know what does."

"Hmm, still, you sure you can take him down? The guy's like, 6'5, he's twice your size!" She told me, and from the way she sounded, it was almost as if Diane was genuinely concerned for my safety. Then again, I am going up against Wilson Fisk, the guy's notorious for having the strength of a fucking whale. "I'm positive. Don't worry about me Diane--" "But I do worry." She said, leaning her snout closer to mine. "Listen, I know we've only known each for like, what? Days? But, I do care about you Y/N, and I know you're trying your hardest to live a normal life but, this? This is just too much." She said and I chuckled, "Really? Remember that one headline a few days about a group of gangsters that got their asses handed to them? There were like, what? 10 of them? And they were all prepped up with fucking Tommy guns, and who won? A mysterious vigilante with red glowing eyes and a fucking billy club to go with it." I told her, and her reaction was priceless.

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