Chapter 9: Daredevil

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"Daredevil." Kingpin growled as he stood up, standing in front of his desk as the lighting outside shined the whole room for a split second. "Kingpin," I growled as I formed my bo staff back into my billy club and aimed it at him, shooting the hook but as it came close, he blocked it and wrapped it around his cane and pulled me forward, slamming me against the ground next to his shoes.

"ARGH!" He roared as he slammed the end of his cane against the floor I evaded it but was left dazed as to why water sprinkled out of the hole he left, but I quickly went back to my senses and jumped up, landing blow after blow against his snout. He tried to swing his cane at me but I dodged and returned with an uppercut to his jaw, blood spilling out of the corners of his mouth as his head was swung to the right. I tried to land another hit but he grabbed my fist and grappled his whole hand around my throat.

"RAH!" He roared as he threw me at the window, and because it was bulletproof, I was only slammed against it, but cracks appeared on it after my impact against it, making me realize that Kingpin isn't just some normal ass wolf. Though, the pain remained as I tried to stand up but he was already there. He grabbed me and picked me up, lifting me in the air and throwing me up into the ceiling, almost crashing through it but I just came falling onto the floor again. "Ugh..." I groaned as I tried to crawl away, my billy club was destroyed so the only weapon left was his...cane.

However, as I tried to crawl away, a strong kicked sent me over on my back I groaned out of pain as I held my chest. However, Kingpin grabbed me by my arm and swung me across the room, my entire body slamming itself against the wall as I fell to the ground with pieces of the wall falling on me.

"It's a shame this couldn't have lasted any longer. I would have loved a challenge, but you? You made it all kinds of unfortunate. Tell me something DD, what motivates you?" He asked me and I growled, puking some blood on the ground as I wiped some of it off of my mouth. "To kill Alex Gulper. The piece of shit who ruined my life in high school..." I growled and Kingpin just laughed loudly as he walked towards me, holding a rose in his left hand and his cane in his right hand. "That asshole? Heh..." He chuckled deeply as he leaned against the wall, standing beside me while I lay there in pain. "Damn, well, I hate to tell you this DD but, you're a bit too late now to do that." He laughed deeply, slapping my head.

"Wh-Why..." I asked him coldly, but also in a huffing voice as I was still trying to catch my breath after getting thrown against a wall. "Well, let's say that Alex's dad was working for me at the time. And, well, he was out collecting debt money for me, and, his dad was supposed to throw a fight. But, well, at some point he thought he could get away, but little did he know that he didn't get far. Alex lost his dad and Alex? He lost his soul." Kingpin chuckled as he took a cigar out from his coat and lit it up, taking a puff from it as he blew the smoke.

" son of a bitch..." I growled, blood seeping out of my mouth, staining my teeth red. "Why do you care so much about Alex?" He asked me, taking another puff from his cigar. "He was mine," I growled, enraged that he killed Alex before I could. "What? Mad that I took your kill?" He asked me in a mocking tone, which only pissed me off even more.

"Alex. He ruined my life. He was MINE to kill. and ONLY mine. And you better hope Ryker's keeps you safe, because as far as I know? There is no way in hell I'm going to allow you to live on. Alex was my kill to make, not yours." I growled, licking the blood off of my teeth as I sneakily grab onto the broken half of my billy club, hiding it beside my leg. "Yeah, I heard. I heard about how the most brilliant Y/N L/N got expelled because he had pot stashed in his locker. How could I ever forget that?" He laughed.

"Though I will admit, Alex did a good job in hiding it. The dumb little shit was supposed to give t to his friends, you know? To get the business going. But, I guess he just had to ruin one of his classmate's life in the process didn't he?" He asked me. "What." I growled, "You mean to tell me, that it was you all along?--" "Of course it was. What? You thought Alex was the type to get in on it all? No, he was working with his father at the time. He was working for me. But, they tried to pull up a runner on me and look where they got. Now, they're lying six feet under a grave no one will even bother to remember. Do you think that just because you work for me, you'll be treated with respect? I'm the only one who gets to decide who gets to be respected or not. And you know what else? I decide who gets to live." He said coldly as he took one last puff from his cigar and threw it away. "And you want to know something else? You've been in my business for too long!" He yelled as he swung his cane at me, but I quickly dodged it and grabbed the broken shank of my billy club and shattered the waterline in the room, and threw it at the other waterline across the room and soon water sprinkled out of the ceiling and the walls, temporarily blinding Fisk as he swung his cane around crazily.

I grabbed his cane and threw it out of his hands and began to land hard blows across his face, kneeing him in his stomach and then landing a hard punch into his chest. "RAH!" He roared as he tried to punch me but I blocked his fist and returned with a right uppercut to his snout, blood squirting out of his nostrils, and then came back with a left uppercut to his lip, blood exploding out of his mouth as he stepped back.

I predicted an oncoming attack so I dodged, missing a punch, and then performed a double gut-punch into his stomach. He tried to hit me but I dodged it and slid underneath and slid in between his legs and as he turned around, I kicked his kneecaps in. "AAARGH!" He screamed in pain as he fell onto his knees, hearing a sickening snap from his knees that only made the true pain kick in. "AAAARGH! AAAAH!! RAAH!" He screamed as he stopped himself from falling, only resting as he sat on his knees. I growled and got up, walking over to the cane and picking it up, walking back towards Fisk who remained still sitting there on his knees helpless.

"You took Alex away from me. He was mine to kill, and only mine. No one else had the right to kill him. Only I had the right to kill Alex, and I vowed that I would kill anyone who dared take that right away from me. And you wanna know something else? You're the person who I will kill. Fuck the law." I growled as I raised the cane, Fisk cowering in fear as he prepared for the blow. And I deployed the swing...

But I missed it on purpose...

Fisk slowly and fearfully looked up at me with wide eyes as his whole body was covered in both sweat and water while I angrily stared down at him, and for once in his life, Fisk finally understood what fear was.

"I don't understand..." Fisk whispered, shaking out of pain and fear. "I'm not the bad guy," I growled as I dropped the cane and kicked it away. "You see Fisk. I learned something. I learned something from this woman, the love of my life. She taught me that even though bad things happen, it shouldn't stop you from being what you want to be, or who you want to be. I won't let you corrupt me, not like how Alex did. Besides, I didn't do this all for anything. Something good comes out of all of this, and it ends with you behind bars for good." I told him, breathing heavily as water dripped off of my body. "Hehehe, you think it's all over from here? Do you hear that?" He asked me, and of course, I already knew what he was talking about. The sirens.

"Yeah, I can hear them, the sirens. Hell, I can even hear the cops running up the stairs to your office. But rest assured, you won't be seeing me at Ryker's because I'll be long gone before you even know it. Before anyone even knows it." I told him, "I'll tell them who you are..." He threatened me as he smirked at me.

"Yeah? Go ahead. Go ahead. Tell them how you got your ass whooped by a 5'5 man. And sure, go ahead, I'm sure they would love to hear all about it. Matter of fact, I think they'll love how you're nothing but a fucking snitch in the end. Remember, the only prisoners that are hated the most, especially at Ryker's, are snitches. So, what's it going to be Fisk?" I asked him, smirking back and I can tell my cockiness was only pissing him off as he tried to reach for me but the pain in his kneecaps prevented him from doing so. I laughed at him hysterically to purposefully piss him off even further which worked like a charm.

"Enjoy your trip to Ryker's fisk, because, I have a feeling you're gonna need it because I think you have a shit load of enemies there than you do out here," I told him as I walked towards the window and take the cane and shatter the window completely. "But you know something? For once, I finally did something good today. I'm helping the NYPD put your big ass away for good. And because now, the people of New York can finally rest and go on with their lives without the fear of ever running into you again." I told him.

"Oh, you have no idea what you're doing, do you? Without me, crime will wreak havoc in New York. I'm the one who kept order in this fucking city. And in one month, you'll wish you had me back." He growled at me. "Yeah? Then bring it on." I replied. "I'll get out." He told me and I just chuckled. "And I'll be waiting for you," I told him as I jumped out of the window and shot a wire out, attaching it to the edge of a rooftop as I swung myself towards it. I landed on the rooftop as I repel the wire back into my glove. "New are safe once again."


"And that's what happened," I told Diane as we were both out on our date. "Really?! Jesus Christ, I mean, I knew the guy was crazy and all but he was the one who killed Alex?" She asked me. "Yeah, and believe me, I was pissed. I wanted to be the one to kill Alex, but, I learned something from you." I told her which made her blush and her tail swoosh around happily. "Also, Diane, can you do me a favor?" I asked her. "Yeah, what's up?" She asked me and I presented her with a ring.

"Do me a favor and say yes," I told her and she looked at the ring and then back at me. She looked surprised for a few seconds before smiling. "Yes!"

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