Chapter 3: Trophy Boy

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After hours of exploring the outside world, Pinocchio and Tybalt rest next to each other at a lake where they tend their aching legs and enjoy the peaceful scenery. While the horse munches down the carrots they brought, Pinocchio focuses on a little tree seedling on the ground. It waves to him by the wind. He smiles with adoration and unknowingly mutters, "I wonder if I could make a sapling."

Tybalt raises a brow at his statement. "You mean you wanna..."

Realizing what he just said, the boy quickly corrects himself. "N-no, not like that! I mean gardening like dad does..." if he could blush, he would've appeared red as a tomato right now. With wide eyes he looks away.

As the silence falls long enough to forget the moment, the boy pulls out a book — a book he borrowed from the town's library they went at awhile ago. It had a worn out yet welcoming cover with the book title in golden bold. He resumes the part where he left off and reads in silence.

Before his horse could sleep into the bliss and wonderful land of dreams, Pinocchio's voice wakes him. "You know, this book is becoming my all-time favourite."

"Every book you read is your all-time favourite, Pinocchio." Tybalt retorts drowsily. Pinocchio shakes his head in disagreement and lays further back to his horse's body. "But this one is nothing like the other books! It's about a misfit boy who went on an adventure to find a place where he'll fit in — I'm still at page 7 but I can already tell it's great."

"Huh. Sounds a bit like yourself." the horse says before completely shutting him off and drifting to slumber. Pinocchio wanted to ask what he meant by that but then realizes his companion was asleep, so he brushes it off instead.

He reads the part where the boy in the book gets ridiculed by the people in his provincial state and suddenly Pinocchio's face sullen as he remembered what happened at their time at the nearest town. He obeyed his father's words when he said not to wander too far where he can't find him just in case — had he rebel, they would've scout farther and maybe they wouldn't experience such ignorant hatred.

All eyes darted towards him, all sounds hushed into whispers, and mixture of disgust, confusion, fear, and anger presented on the townsfolk. One or two people would 'accidentally' shove him and most merchant they interact would dismiss them with . Quick in an instant, Pinocchio got the message, but nevertheless let his curiosity risk the danger. Thanks to his horse's protectiveness, nothing dared to harm him. But that still doesn't assure him, he tries not to show it but he suspects Tybalt knows it.

Now he understood his father's intentions. In the next few hours, he'll gladly go home and return back to his sheltered life — all in all, Pinocchio is just glad to have experience what it's like outside, that's all he ever wanted after all. To other's perspective, their day isn't much to be called an adventure, but to him it is and he cherished all the new memories and experiences.

His thoughts stop short when he hears a lady screaming, along with several voices on trail. He sits up and sees a carriage speeding away from afar! He wakes up Tybalt and they spring into action.

"The coach is headed to the cliff! She's going to fall!" Pinocchio gasps.

"Nooo really? I thought she's going for a swim!" Tybalt wits.

The wooden boy shoots him a glare before they quickly head to the scene. In matter of seconds they catch up to the frantic carriage. 

"Signorina! Hold on!" He yells to the girl with blue hair clinging for her life then to the horse upfront. He steadies his stand on Tybalt, and beautifully jumps to the roof!

But because his foot isn't as flexible and joint as a human foot is, his landing slips!

"Woah! Ah-!" Pinocchio flails his hands in attempt to grab something — anything! But nothing in air presented to save him. His body was about to fall off and he instinctively closes his eyes for the impact, but then felt a warm hand on his back and one tightly around his out-stretched arm.

He hesitantly opens his eyes...and if he had lungs, his breath would've hitch. The moment his eyes peaked open, they were blessed by the scene of a handsome man leaning towards him and protectively yet so gently holding him in the current chaotic ride. The sunlight highlighting the man's facial features and his bouncy blonde hair.

"Are you alright?" the man asks worried, his voice was so deep yet there was no trace of threat like the villagers had awhile ago; it was soft, caring, and so charming.

If Pinocchio had a heart and flowing blood, he would've had a red face and neck and a heart racing by the mile right now. Instead he just gazes up the man with his blue eyes sparkling, then shakes himself when the carriage bumps  — bringing himself back to reality.

"Y-yeah! I'm okay!" he stutters as the man carefully pulls him back and sadly so does his embrace from the wooden boy. The man gives him a brief smile before he looks at the direction they were heading then down to the screaming girl with only one hand keeping from falling.

"You save the girl, I'll handle the horse!" the man commands and swiftly went to his position, Pinocchio took a few beats for his order to settle in then quick heads down to the blue girl. As he was assisting m'lady, his mind is still at the handsome stranger who saved him. 

The girl, after she's safely pulled back to the ledge, stares at him confused — wondering why he's smiling widely and dreamily to himself.


That bitch of a brother swsapped my choolate milk te into his coffee milk tea and now I'm jittering!!!! I could just burst rwght naow LIKEHAJKFDHLSAKLGKAJDAHGLADHGJKLGHDG

But anyway good ofro that because it fi wasnt for him doing that I wouldn't have updaged and here it is here is it the hapter THAT CHAPTER! THAT D A M N CHAPTER!!

btw I love that video you should like love it, share it, copy paste it, download it, and just plain make it your religion because that's whtat I'm going to do after this and mark my words in this very same reason why i'm tellyou this i will do that after this hehe yes

also this is sooooooo damn lonv that ihave to cut it into chatpers like mini sausages (YES COME HERE YOU UNCIRCUMED BOYS; AKA BROTHER I WILL SLICE YOURS!)

Now I gotta go roll aro und hte floor wiwath this new anxiety and energy surgign through me because the world is going to edn if I don't so byeeeeeeeeeeeee seee ya next chapter

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