CHAPTER 1 *(edited)*

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(Y/N) POV: 

"(Ni/N)! Enough watching YouTube! Now go to sleep, honey!" my mom shouted from downstairs.

"Ugh... Ok!" I replied lazily, reluctantly tearing my gaze away from the captivating world of YouTube. I had been engrossed in watching Demon Slayer after finishing Boboiboy Movie 2. 

As a devoted fan of the Boboiboy show, I couldn't resist indulging in its thrilling adventures. It was already 10:30 p.m., so I reluctantly decided to call it a night.

Today marked the end of the school year, and I couldn't help but anticipate the blissful two-month summer vacation that awaited me. However, my excitement was tinged with a tinge of sadness as I thought about my parents. 

Tomorrow, they were set to embark on a two-week business trip, leaving me alone at home. Although I would miss them dearly, I couldn't deny the allure of having some time to myself. Their mysterious jobs always necessitated sudden departures, leaving me in the dark about their line of work.

With these thoughts swirling in my mind, I eventually drifted off to sleep, oblivious to the surprises that awaited me.

But... after a mere few minutes, I felt a warm presence on my shoulder, accompanied by a gentle shaking sensation.

"H-hey! wake up!" a familiar voice urged urgently. It wasn't my mom's or dad's voice... and my door was locked. So who could it be? I jolted awake, my eyes darting to the source of the disturbance. To my astonishment, standing before me was none other than Boboiboy himself!

"AAAAHH!" I screamed, instinctively launching a pillow at his face.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he yelped, clutching his head in pain.

"Who the hell are you? And how did you get here?" I demanded, my voice a mix of confusion and irritation. Of course, I knew who it was, but I could be hallucinating right?? And it could be someone else.

"I was in my room!" he retorted defensively.

"This is MY room, you-" I began, but my sentence was abruptly cut short by my mom's voice echoing from downstairs.

"Honey, are you okay?" my face drained of color, panic seizing my senses.

"Oh no, no, no, no! This is bad! My mom is coming!" I exclaimed, my mind racing.

"Who's co-"

Acting swiftly, I shoved Boboiboy behind the door and flung it open, revealing my mom standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Mom..." I greeted her, attempting to mask my nerves.
"What's up?"

I heard a grunting behind the door but very slowly which made me nervous even more.

If my mom somehow gets to know that there is some RANDOM PERSON in my room in the middle of the night!! And that SOMEONE is especially a BOY! Then man......I am DEAD!

"I heard you yelling all the way from our bedroom," she remarked, raising an eyebrow curiously.

 "But it sounded like there was a male voice too," she added, peering into my room.

AH SHIT.....I'm doomed!

"Male ?! Yeah right! I just had a big deal-", I said, frantically attempting to steer my mom away from the truth.

"But I swe-" my mom began, only to be interrupted as I quickly shut the door and exclaimed, "Okay, bye! Goodnight!"

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

As my mom walked away, she muttered, "That was weird..."

I breathed a sigh of relief, turning to face Boboiboy, who wore a slightly annoyed expression.

"You practically crushed me to death, you know!" he protested.

"Hehehe, sorry!" I chuckled nervously.

"Anyways... where am I? And who are you?" he inquired, clearly bewildered.

"I am supposed to ask that! First, answer my question: How did you get here?" I countered, determined to unravel this bewildering situation.

"Well, I just finished my mission and went to my shared room with my BFF. Then I fell asleep and, when I opened my eyes, I found myself standing here! Must be a dream, right?" he surmised but muttered the last part.

To him, it might be just a dream but to me, it was LEGIT REAL!!

So I walked up to him, raised my hand, and pinched his cheek really hard.

To him, it might have seemed like a dream, but to me, it was undeniably real. In an attempt to dispel his disbelief, I approached him, raised my hand, and pinched his cheek forcefully.

"Ow! Why did you do that?" he winced, rubbing the spot where I had pinched him.

"To wake you up from your dream and show you it isn't a dream," I replied calmly.

"Okay... enough joking around. Time to get serious," he declared, transforming into his Thunderstorm form and holding his thunder blade menacingly close to my neck.

My relaxed expression soon turned into pure panic.

My initial relaxed expression quickly gave way to pure panic.

"Who are you?!" he demanded, his tone dark and foreboding.

"Woah, woah, woah! Easy there!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand and pushing it away from my neck.

He seemed taken aback by my sudden touch, his gaze shifting sideways as a slight blush graced his cheeks. Unbeknownst to me, a blush mirrored his reaction on my own face.

"Ah... right," I stammered, releasing his hand. "Sorry, Boboiboy Thunderstorm."

"Yeah... wait," he interrupted, looking at me with surprise.

"How did you know my name?" he queried, his curiosity piqued.

" That's what I am trying to do....let me freaking EXPLAIN it, will ya'?", I exclaimed.

" First you tell me how you know my name!"

"I will, but first, it's up to you to calmly listen without yelling. So please, calm down and return to your normal form, without the thunder element."


Okay, edited the first chapter and made it a bit less crappy than the first one


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