CHAPTER 7 *(edited)*

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(Y/N) POV:

I looked at Boboiboy with a bright smile, hoping to alleviate the boredom we were feeling in the house.

"Yeah, it's really boring in the house, right? So... what do you think?" I asked, my enthusiasm evident.

"Okay then... if you say so," he replied, sounding unsure.

"Wait! Hold on! You need to change first!" I said, pointing at his clothes.

"Huh?" he asked, confused.

"I mean your signature jacket, hat, and your name especially," I clarified, pointing at him.

"Why...? Is there something wrong with me?" he asked, clueless.

I couldn't believe his lack of awareness.

"OF COURSE there is, you idiot! If you wear those and go out, people will think that you are cosplaying as... yourself! You shouldn't forget that you're a famous animated character."

"Is there any problem with me cosplaying... me?"

"Oh my god, you're so dense... Do you want to peacefully go out for a walk? Or do you want some crazy fangirls to chase you?"

I hoped my words would get through to him.

"Oh no no no no... I don't want that... I can still feel the pain of Fang being with those."

"I know, right..."

"But not even my cap? Aww, man!"

"No," I firmly denied.

"Come on!"


"Ugh! Fine... At least my name-"



"Look, neither you nor I want to get into any trouble, so please try to understand."


"Good... let me just-" I said, interrupting him.

I quickly ran upstairs, grabbed my brother's clothes, and rushed back downstairs.

"Here," I said, handing him the clothes.


"Hm... Now, about your name... how about... um... (F/BN)?"

[(F/BN) - Favourite Boy's any name from the reader's choice] 

"(F/BN)? Not bad," he replied.

"Great! Now go to the bathroom and change... I'll be right back!"

Saying that I hurried upstairs to my room to change myself. I couldn't believe I was going on a date... and with Boboiboy of all people! My heart raced with anticipation.

Boboiboy POV:

"O...kay?" I replied, watching the girl disappear upstairs. She was definitely something else.

I ran my hand through my hair, trying to calm myself down. My heart was pounding hard, and for what reason?



I took a deep breath and decided to focus on getting ready.

~ 15 Minutes Later ~

It had been 15 minutes already... where was she!? Did girls really need this much time to get ready?

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