CHAPTER 16 (Christmas Special) *(edited)*

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I know it is not Christmas yet....but still, I am trying to post as many chapters I could before Christmas cause I also had to focus on my studies as well....

Also thanks for the 4K+ reads

Words: 2564



Angst a bit!

Boboiboy POV:

The atmosphere was fraught with disbelief and astonishment as we absorbed the revelations that unfolded before us. Each word and visual evidence left us dumbfounded.

Among us, I was the one most profoundly affected. I discovered an unimaginable truth: (Y/N) possessed elemental powers, much like my own. But what shocked me further was the realization that she was born with these extraordinary abilities.

The weight of this newfound knowledge settled upon me, impossible to ignore. How could I deny the undeniable, having witnessed everything firsthand?

Our collective gaze turned towards (Y/N), and the sight that met my eyes shattered my heart into pieces. Her head was hung low, her body trembling slightly, her eyes tightly shut, and her lips quivering. It pained me to witness her vulnerability.

W-Was she scared of us? Did she fear we would treat her like others had, subject her to the same cruelty and contempt? Were these unspoken fears flooding her mind?

Her anguish manifested as tears streaming down her cheeks. It was at that moment that my instincts took over. I approached her, knelt down before her, and tenderly brushed away her tears with my thumb.

She flinched in response, her eyes widening with surprise.

"Why... are you crying?" I asked softly, my hands still cradling her cheeks, their softness and smoothness seeping into my touch.

Yaya moved closer, sitting beside her and gently rubbing her back.
"It's alright, (Y/N)."

"Yeah... we would never harm you, nor are we afraid of you. You are our friend," Gopal reassured her.

But more tears welled up in her eyes, and she began to sob softly, biting her quivering lip. Even with our comforting gestures, she still flinched, revealing her lingering fear.

She is still afraid of us......

Unable to contain myself any longer, I pulled her into a tight embrace, shifting to her place and guiding her to sit sideways on my lap. In that moment, she broke down completely, her sobs growing louder. Her right hand clenched into a fist, resting against my chest, while her left hand gripped mine firmly. (Y/N) leaned against my chest, her face hidden in the crook of my neck.

With my right hand, I gently stroked her head, while Yaya and Ying continued rubbing her back, trying to soothe her. Fang and Gopal were now kneeling down where I was before. All of us had sorrowful looks on our faces.

"It's alright, (Y/N)... it's alright. We would never hurt you like they did or are scared of you. Please don't be afraid of us," I whispered, holding her a little tighter.

After ten minutes passed and her sobbing stopped.

After what seemed like an eternity, her sobs gradually subsided, and silence settled in. Fang finally spoke up, breaking the stillness, "Is she... asleep?"

He stood up and leaned over to catch a glimpse of (Y/N)'s face. "Seems like it."

Carefully, I turned her head to face me, ensuring not to disturb her slumber, which had indeed taken hold.

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