hanauso disease

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jay & sunoo

hanauso disease is fictional disease in which the victims loved one lies or betrays them, flowers will grow out of the victims neck. alongside that, the victim will be unable to talk until their loved one tells the truth or the victim falls out of love.

part 1(?)

there sunoo was. sitting alone in the dark in his and jays shared room.

he was waiting for jay to get home from wherever he was.

jay would go out in the day and wouldn't get home until late at night.

sunoo couldn't help but think he was being cheated

eventually jay came back.

he walked into the room and saw sunoo still awake.

"hey sun." he greeted the boy.

sunoo only looked at him. tears stained on his face.

jay went close and sat on the bed "what's wrong?"

"jay" sunoo looked down. "are you cheating on me?"

jay looked at him shocked. "sun i would never. what made you think that?"

sunoo felt his throat clog up.

he only shrugged his shoulders in response.

"let's go to bed okay?" jay looked him in the eyes.

sunoo nodded his head.

the next day sunoo woke up to see jay not there.

he saw a note on the desk next to their bed.

it read:
"hey sunoo, i got called into work today. i'll be back later on today. -jay"

sunoo sighed. his throat still felt clogged.

he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

once he finished he opened his mouth looking closely in the mirror hoping to find what's clogging his throat.

he found nothing.

"why does my throat feel like this?" he said to himself.

he decided to text his close friend, sunghoon, to see if he might know.

hoon 👨‍🦲

hyunggggg are you awake

yes i'm awake. what's up?

my throat has been feeling really weird so i wanted to see if you knew why or something

do i look like a doctor to you??

thank you for being so helpful 😁

yw it was an honor 👍

okay but can you at least come with me to the doctors?

wheres jay? can't he take you???

he working, again 🙂

ofc he is, i wish i could take you but i'm busy 😙

ughhhhhhhhh 😑

why don't you search it up? it might just be strep throat or food might be stuck

yeah whatever thanks for the advice ig 😄

rude 💔

sunoo went online to check what was wrong with his throat.

all he found was strep throat just like sunghoon had said. so he believed he must have that.

he decided just to lay down and rest.

about an hour later his throat started to hurt really bad.

he clutched onto his neck trying to bare through the pain.

he picked up his phone and dialed sunghoons number.

"hey sun" sunghoon said over the phone.

sunoo tried to say something back but couldn't.

"sunoooo hellooooo?" sunghoon asked confused.

sunoo tried talking again but still couldn't.

he just hung up the phone.

he was panicking. why couldn't he speak?

he entered the bathroom again, oblivious to the fact sunghoon was texting and calling him nonstop.

sunoo looked into the mirror and saw flowers starting to grow out of his neck.

'flowers?!' he thought to himself.

to say he was scared would be a lie. he was terrified.

why would there be flowers growing out of his neck?

sunoo made his way back to his bed and grabbed his phone.

he saw sunghoon had called and texted him many of time but he ignored them all.

he decided to search up the cause of flowers growing out of your neck, hoping to find a good answer.

what he found was something called hanauso disease.

sunoo didn't know what to do. he didn't know wether to cry or not.

what he did know was that jay must have lied to him about something.

this story was really fun to write 😁

i like writing about fictional diseases so i might write some more

i'm still deciding if there will be a part 2 or not, i don't have much ideas for a part 2 but they might come to me eventually 🙂

but i hope you enjoyed reading!

and as usual don't forget to eat and drink plenty of water today <3

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