skater boy

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sunghoon & sunoo


park sunghoon, the local skater boy.

not a skateboarder, but an ice skater.

everyone in korea knows about him by now.

he is such a good ice skater and would win almost any competition, how could anyone not know about him?

even if sunghoon was well known, he didn't really have friends. he liked to be by himself and focus on his work.

but he does have one friend.

kim sunoo.

the boy who is always by his side and comes to every single one of his competitions, making sure to never miss one.

but today was different.

sunghoon was standing on the ice with darkness surrounding him.

even if it was dark he still managed to look around for those certain fox eyes.

the music was coming to a start, and sunoo was nowhere in sight.

sunghoon sighed and looked down at the ice.

he took a deep breath in before the music started.

he moved gracefully to the music and was doing good the first half.

but the thought of sunoo not being there was getting to his head.

he closed his eyes, mentally praying for this to be over.

without sunoo's presence he didn't feel like himself. he knew he couldn't finish without messing up, so he just stopped.

stopped without thinking.

the music turned off and everything went silent.

sunghoon immediately got off the ice and rushed to the changing rooms, hiding in a stall.

he couldn't believe what he just did, all because sunoo wasn't there.

thinking of sunoo again, the boy quickly changed and ran out of that place.

sunghoon picked up his phone while running, dialing sunoo's number.

he just knew something was wrong.

not long after the ringing a voice was heard.


"sun what's wrong?"

"he- cheated on me."

sunghoon could hear the breakage in sunoo's voice.

"that fucking idiot. where are you?"


"stay on the phone, okay?"


it was pitch black out, but he still manage to run without falling.

at least there were barely any cars out, or people.

while running he could here the sniffles coming from the phone.

eventually sunghoon made it to the beach and was looking for sunoo.

sunghoon was out of breath "i'm here. where are you?"


sunghoon did figure where sunoo was, but he needed to ask just in case.

there was a certain place with bigs rocks they liked to sit on.

when approaching he saw a figure and knew it was sunoo.

"sun, look left"

the figures head moved his way and the phone hung up.

sunghoon approached the boy.

he could see the tears on sunoo's face.

"it's alright." sunghoon embraced the younger into a hug, not wanting to let go.

"you told me he was no good, i should have listened." sunoo sobbed into his shoulder.

"sun." sunghoon paused for a second "i didn't really mean it. i said that because-" he stopped.

sunoo's head lifted out of sunghoon's shoulder.


"because i was jealous."

"jealous, why?"

"it's really not the right time to be saying this."

"i want to know hoon."

sunghoon's head lowered and he sighed "i like you, and i've liked you for awhile now."

sunoo's eyes grew wide "why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"you were with him and thats wrong to do."

"you could have told me before i got with that jerk."

"it was no use."

sunoo's hands went to sunghoon's face, lifting it back up "hoon."

the younger lightly smiled, tears still stained on his face.

"if i tell you will you go and finish your performance?"

sunghoon was confused but nodded his head "if they let me."

"they will if i'm there."

the two went silent for a moment.

sunghoon was eagerly waiting for sunoo to speak, he figured what sunoo would say but didn't want to get his hopes up.

"i like you too."

sunghoon's lips curved upwards, into a smile.

"why'd you date him if you liked me then?"

"i didn't think you liked me back so i tried to get over you, didn't work tho."

"tried to get over park sunghoon, the most handsome guy alive? funny."

sunoo laughed "alright go finish your performance."

"wait, one more thing" sunghoon leaned closer to the boy, eyes averting to his lips.

"can i?"

instead of getting a reply, sunoo attached their lips together.

sunghoon smiled into the kiss and put his hands on sunoo's face.

it wasn't long until the two separated.

"mine now"

sunghoon was lightly pushed forward by sunoo "go preform."

"whatever you say mom."


i said i would try an update more but that didn't happen, i've just had no ideas or motivation 💔

i can't promise i'll be updating this a lot since i'm gonna be starting a sunki book soon, but i'll try to 😞

but like always make sure to eat and drink plenty of water <3

have a good day/night!!

and don't forget to stream enhypen's mv future perfect, i loved this comeback sm

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