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when namjoon woke jiwon up, she looked around and then was almost ready to cry.

"d-daddy lef me?" she asked. namjoon chuckled as he kissed her forehead.

"no baby, he's just showering okay?" jiwon nodded her head then hugged her appa. the same thing she does every morning. namjoon hugged his baby back and combed his fingers through her hair.

he got her up and the got her dressed, since she washed last night before bed, and then went to get dressed himself after sitting jiwon in the living room and turning on her favorite cartoons. luckily seokjin was done in the shower. he must be getting dressed. namjoon didn't even hear the bathroom door open as he was taking his clothes off. he was in nothing but his underwear as he bent over to look for something in his bottom drawer.

seokjin didn't expect to see the boy bent over when he walked out of the bathroom but damn namjoon is thick. he got a nice ass and a nice body.

he wouldn't mind ruining it again. this time he'll remember it good at least.

"you must really want me to take you huh?" seokjin playfully asked with a smirk on his face. namjoon jumped which caused him to hit his head on the dresser, being the klutz he is, and he winced. he hit his head pretty hard.

he looked and saw that seokjin was ready to laugh which made his sensitive self tear up. "it's not funny~ that really hurt" he said as he whined. seokjin saw that he was really about to cry and he made his way over to namjoon, standing a bit too close for namjoon's heart.

seokjin rubbed his head, where namjoon's hand was at, gently massaging where it hurt. namjoon had unconsciously closed his eyes and melted into the touch which made seokjin smile. this boy is so freaking cute. seokjin was supposed to still be mad at him but he don't think he is anymore.

seoham was right. namjoon is nice and sweet. he should definitely try getting to know him more.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. i was just messing around" seokjin said and namjoon nodded.

"it's okay... could you umm, back up though and turn around so i can get dressed?" namjoon asked as he blushed. seokjin chuckled.

"you're cute namjoon"

namjoon blushed as seokjin turned and left out of the room. he then heard jiwon shout 'daddy!' which made him smile. she's so happy about seokjin being here and it's so cute. he's glad that seokjin will be in her life. well... he hopes he will continue to be in her life.

as he got dressed, he smelled something good being cooked and he made his way to the kitchen, after putting his shoes on and spraying himself with some perfume, only to see seokjin cooking. as if that didn't make his heart go completely stir crazy! the man looks so... omg why is he cooking!? namjoon just stood there with wide eyes, not even realizing seokjin had turned and saw him. the man chuckled when he saw namjoon.

"was hungry and just figured I'd make breakfast for everyone. jiwon's already eating so it's just us now" seokjin said and that's when namjoon noticed that jiwon was in her high chair with a bowl of oatmeal and her sippy cup in front of her.

he softly smiled as he sat down at the table and seokjin sat a plate of food in front of him with a glass of orange juice. it was pancakes, bacon, eggs, a bagel with strawberry cream cheese on it and some cut up strawberries and grapes. namjoon chuckled when he saw the strawberries.

"are strawberries your favorite?" he asked and seokjin nodded.

"i love strawberries a lot."

"i figured... strawberries are also jiwon's favorite"

"berry berry strawberry!" jiwon shouted which caused the two parents to laugh. she giggled when she saw her parents laughing.

seokjin sat down across from namjoon and he started to eat. namjoon couldn't help but stare at the man. seokjin is so handsome and cute and hot. he's just... he's so perfect. namjoon may have already fell for him he's just trying to get real and deny it.

he knows it's too fast but he doesn't care. he kinda was already falling for the man two years ago but then stopped because he figured he'd never see him again. right here in front of him, seokjin looks so good. even hotter in person than over pics or videos, and namjoon can't stop his heart from trying to reach the other man.

"what?" seokjin asked as he chuckled. namjoon blushed and looked away. seokjin just smiled. namjoon is so cute. "i umm... I've been thinking and i think it would be best if y'all move in with me." he then said which caused namjoon's eyes to go wide.

"w-what? why?"

"well because, i really want to be in jiwon's life for good. I'm not going anywhere so i think it'll be better if y'all were at my house so i wouldn't have to travel so much all the time and risk being spotted by fans which will just cause issues with the press." seokjin said which was true and namjoon knew that. "also, i think we should t-try... y'know... being together for jiwon" he said as he blushed.

did seokjin just blush!? it was so cute and it made namjoon smile but then his smile faded when he realized what seokjin just said. they should... they should try being together!?

"w-what do you mean by 'together'?" he asked.

"you know like... dating." seokjin said and it was now namjoon's turn to blush. "but like not right away of course. we should get to know each other more"

"so... you're not mad at me anymore? i am really sorry. it was stupid of me to keep her away from you but know that my intentions were to keep you safe from getting fired. i really did want to reach out to you and tell you about her but i was so afraid you'd get in trouble so i-"

"namjoon, it's okay." seokjin said and chuckled. "i understand and thank you for thinking of me but you still should've told me no matter what. it was our mistake and i would've took responsibility for our actions." seokjin said. namjoon instantly thought of what jackson told him two years ago and smiled. "but, no I'm not angry with you anymore and i really want to do this for jiwon. she should have both parents in her life."

namjoon smiled as he nodded. he was happy that seokjin wasn't mad at him anymore. he was also happy that seokjin said that they should try being together. he may have some feelings already for seokjin and seokjin might not have any feelings for him but he can wait.

"okay but can i think about the moving in part first? it's just... i don't know I'm nervous about it." namjoon said and seokjin chuckled, nodding his head. "where would i sleep?"

"with me duh?" seokjin said. namjoon blushed, looking away from seokjin. "if it makes you uncomfortable, i have extra rooms"

"n-no, it doesn't make me uncomfortable, i was just thinking that maybe you'd wouldn't want to sleep in the same bed as me" namjoon said, face so red. he knows it. he can feel his face heating up the whole time.

seokjin just smiled. "namjoon, i wouldn't of suggested it if it made me uncomfortable. as long as you're okay with it, so am i."

namjoon smiled then nodded his head. "i don't have a problem with it then as long as you're in jiwon's life. she already loves you so much."

"love daddy!" jiwon said as she pointed to seokjin. seokjin chuckled.

"daddy loves you too baby" seokjin said as he leaned over and kissed jiwon's cheek. she giggled as she pointed to her lips. seokjin smiled and kissed her softly on her lips which she just giggled and clapped her hands.

"ji, would you want to live with daddy?" namjoon asked.

"yes! yes!" she shouted. namjoon just smiled at her.

"well then, she has spoken. we'll live with you." namjoon said and seokjin couldn't hide his smile. "when do you want us to move in though?"

"by next week? only because i know you'll have to pack and stuff" seokjin say and namjoon nod his head. seokjin also smiled and namjoon's heart melted.

the little family finished eating and were off to take jiwon to daycare then to work themselves. seokjin went to the company with namjoon, after texting his manager, since he needed to be there anyway.

the two hid it well but they were both happy.

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