Chapter 3 : Keep Calm and Cry Harder

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"I've missed you too. Owen, I'm on my way home; I'm on my way to the clearing. I promise."


The Reunion

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Summer Sun Celebration by PMV (?)

Chapter 3: Keep Calm and Cry Harder

·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙ ·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

The rain had finally stopped a week ago.  It was almost as if people had forgotten about the maze during the rain so when the rain stopped, people were immediately sucked in by the strong sense of dread. A lot of people keep to there houses even when the rain.  

Owen insisted on guarding the entrance of the maze. Everyday, the clearing could sense his rising paranoia, over what, they knew not. Owen had kept his recent encounter with Apo secret. He didn't want to stress anyone; they had all been through so much already

Owen used the cane from Magic a lot more than he originally thought he would. It was decently, well at least more than he thought it would be. 

The days had been getting warmer recently. Everyone noticed.  It feels like just yesterday there was snow scattered on the ground.  It seems like yesterday "it" happened. Owen still goes to check on her. She is the coldest thing about the clearing. Ori recently woke up from one of his naps. I swear he might have amnesia but that guys sure does remember how to hibernate. In all seriousness, he has been staying with Graecie a lot these past few days. It's given Soup a lot of time to just rest or talk to everyone. 

Today Owen sits in the chair that Magic placed for him.  Owen was about to protest, however Magic left before he could. Owen tapped his javelin on the ground, making the growing tiny hole in the drying ground.

"Boo!" A voice behind Owen says. The brunette jumps an looks back only to see that it was only Magic. "Oh, I probably shouldn't have done that. Could have given the poor old man a heart attack."

Owen sighs, "What do you need, Magic?"

"Well, I need you to say yes to this great idea I have."

"And what idea might that be."

"I think it is quite a shame that everyone is stay in there own space now that the sun is back out. Which is why, I am want to throw a party."

"A party? For what?"

"Uhhh, I didn't think that far yet... no. more. rain? Yeah no more rain."

Owen face palms. "When do you plan to have this party then?"


Owen crosses his arms. "You know what, if you can get half of the clear to say yes to a party, then sure, I don't mind what you do. However no going-"

"No maze? Got it. Thanks old man! Sorry for almost scaring you to death. Bye!!"

Owen shakes his head.  At least it will be easy to watch everyone if they are together. He honestly wonders if he should have agreed to that, could start something. Its not  like anything has ever gone wrong at a party before... right.  Well I guess we will see.


The sun finally dissolved behind the walls of the maze. With a slight jerk the doors of the maze closed suddenly. Owen watched it close from the chair on the roof, javelin in hand. He didn't want to make any mistakes, like he might have prior with Ori. The brunette carefully climbs down the vines and walks down the stairs.

It had come pretty apparent to Owen that Magic had gotten half of clearing to say yes to this "no more rain" party. The Clearing had been filled to the brink with decor. There were fairy lights and streamers (the party kind) in every corner, and by the number of people roaming and placing the festive items.

Owen trotted over to Magic who was standing by the trampoline. She was talking to Ori and.. is that Rasbi.

"I am just glad you could help, Rasbi. I will see you later." Rasbi left swiftly into the forest area.

"What are you up to?" I ask

"The party stuff? You told me if a got half of the clearing to say yes it was ok. Are you really that senile?" Magic rolled her eyes playfully.

"You know, I was just messing with you, Magic of course I know what you are doing.  I am here to help. I know that you can't reach very high so-"

"WHAT ARE YOU TAKING ABOUT! I AM NOT THAT SMALL! I would have you know, I can reach everything perfectly fine, old man." Magic huffs. " You and Ori can just go work on the front maze wall, I just want to decorate a little bit up there not to much or anything. Over by the bank and by your house looks kinda empty." Owen chuckles.

Ori walks over to Owen. After a moment of silence, Ori speaks up."So how are you?"


"Your leg?"

"Better, I guess. It is getting easier to walk on. "

"That is a relief, I was kinda sad I wasn't-"

Just then there was a rumble. The gate opened.

Wait, what. It is night. What is going on? 

"Is that.. Apple?" Ori spoke. Owen froze. Again. That feeling. A horrible despair.

"A-apo?" Magic stuttered out.  Immediately as if it was some miracle, it started raining. Just as the demon stepped into the door of the maze it shut behind him as if commanded. They were obviously watching.

"It can't be." Someone muttered.

Owen just stared. "Hello... Apo."

Apo grinned from ear to ear. "Hello... Owen."

I think we might have to postpone the "No More Rain" Celebration.

Song Status: End
Chapter 3: Concluded

To be continued in Chapter 4

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