Chapter 4: Spill the Orange Juice

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"I don't know, dude, you seem like the only sensible person in this entire place."
"I- I'm not completely sensible."

OwengeJuiceTV and ApoKuna

The First Murder -  (12:06)

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Other Friends - Caleb Hayes

Chapter 4  : Spill the Orange Juice

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 "Hello... Apo."

"Hello... Owen.

A hushing breeze swept through the two. Nothing else was said for a few moments.

"Should we go inside?" Ori breaks the silence. "The rain... it is still-"

"Ye-yeah" Owen stuttered. He really didn't know what to do in this situation.

They walk into his house. Magic runs over and hugs Puddy.

"Well, this place looks a lot different. A lot of things have changed. I didn't get to see much after the griever swept in. However you all did an amazing job of making everything come back to life."

"Let's cut to the chase, if you have been alive, why show up now." Kyle asks, his tone confused and harsh

"I was busy finding a way out, duh. You all would have locked me up if I came back before that. Also only a few people came to see me in the maze. I was lonely." His voice reeked of sarcasm. Owen had his quarterstaff in hand Incase of an attack, but Owen knew Apo was smarter than that. "Well, I certainly don't blame you. You only knew I was alive a few days ago. You must have had to get a group together to make sure it was safe to-."

"Shut up, Apo." Owen snaps.

"Wait, what. What do you mean by a few days ago" Ori asks.

"No way..." The demon laughs and locks eyes with Owen whose eyes are glaring at theirs. "After all that talk in Red's building, you go out and lie just like that. You are a coward, Owen.

"Like you are one to talk," Owen sighs, "and don't try to play some type of hero or victim or whatever with me, Apo. Everyone in this room knows what you are capable of."

"Wow. Low blow dude. What next, are we going to talk about your past now? Are we Mr. -"

"Shut. up. Apo." In a flash, Owen is standing in front of him, holding his quarterstaff to the tieflings throat.

Apo puts his hands in the air. "Wow, Owen thinks he is scary. You are a hero that has been uncovered as a fool. I will never be scared of you.."

"Bold thing to say with a weapon against your throat you think?"

"Owen, please, step away." Kyle says. "This is not the way this should be taken care of."

"Oh so you won't listen to your best friend, but you will listen to someone who has been here for only a year? What is he my replacement?" They laugh and roll their eyes. "Good pick."

"What the FUCK, did you just say about ME?!" Kyle grabs the demon's shirt.

"STOP, THIS ISN'T GETTING US ANYWHERE!" Everyone stops at the voice of Magic. They stand up and walks over to the group. "Violence is not the answer. I understand that you three aren't on the best terms, but as you said before Kyle, this is not the way this should be taken care of."

"Yes you are right, Magic. That was unacceptable behavior. Lets talk this out rather than resorting to... unnecessary violence." Owen sets his quarter staff up upon the wall.

The bunch talked for a while. They discussed things like what would be done with Apo. He seemed to be ok with whatever, which kind of pissed off Owen and made Ori confused. 

"Well, I don't think that it is a good idea to lock Apo up. " Magic stated.

"What, why?" Owen questioned.

"The last time we locked someone in the prison, it got a little... "out of hand", if you will. I think that it would be much better if we just put him under some type of house arrest. As much as I don't like him for the killing my friends thing, Bek was also a part of that and she has the best suited punishment for her." Magic states. "And I think that you, Kyle, should agree with me since you were the one to face the affects of the last "prisoner" down there."

"I like their idea."

"Shut up, Apo." Owen says.

"Eh- sorry."

"Yeah-  but you do bring up a good point." Kyle sighs.

Owen crosses his arms. " I am not saying that it is a bad plan, but what if they try to hurt someone or go in the maze."

"That just means that us leaders will have to keep our eyes sharp." 

"No more blinking for you, Kyle." Owen chuckles.


"Now that you mention it, Owen, it would be nice to have eyes on Apo as much as possible..." Magic's face of thinking slowly turns into a grin. "and since you so kindly volunteered."

"That would be nice. He could make sure that Owen was recovering properly." Soup chirps in.

"NONONONO, I am not going to babysit a murderer." Owen states firmly.

"I second that. I would also not like to babysit a murderer." Apo raises a hand as if he were saying something in school. Owen sighs.

"UHHHHH, I will ask about that later.... but it seems like the perfect solution to me." Says Kyle.

"Hypothetically, what if they just leave me in a hole to die." Owen questions.

"Then we would have a loose Apo and that would be a sure fire sign right; plus I can help watch too." Kyle remarks.

"This is the way I die isn't it." Owen mumbles.

As sad as this might be, that was probably the most productive meeting of the glade. Life isn't going to be very nice for Owen for a while.

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Chapter 4 - Concluded

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Written by - Frantic Carnage

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