Im ready

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If i cannot do 1000 push ups for y/n then how can I call myself hers!



"Huh!?" I was so close to reaching my goal but the sudden voice made me crash to the ground

I turned around to see Guy Sensei

"Ah uh Guy Sensei what are you... doing here."

"Well to find you of course I see your being extra youthful as always."


"I know Lee. I didnt come here for me personally make sure your eating I came here as a request to make sure you arent dead according to Y/n's requests"


"Shes awake Lee. I dont know if youll be able to see her its going to take sometime for the village to trust and forgive her."


" I understand Lee but you have to realise she was fraternizing with the enemy and the village cant just except her immediately it takes time."

"I- I just want to see her safe Sensei. I want to see her back in the village and welcome back to the squad. I just want to forget all the bad times and hold her. Make sure she'll never leave me again. She left for me Sensei dont you undertand that it was my fault."

"Lee I understand. Im sure when your ready to come back to the village you can visit her and welcome her back with open arms."

(Y/N's Pov)

"I undertand Lady Hokage. Yes i'll report to your office tommorow to start the program."

Man what a drag having to report to her office tommorow to be on strict watch for however long they need. I mean dont get me wrong I undertand why they are doing this it is just a pain.

I wonder what Lees doing? Probably training knowing him.

Hmm. Whats sasuke up too.. I hope he isnt too sad that im gone.

Maybe i'll sneak out tonight and get a breather before I have to be on servalance for a while.

(Time Skip to Night time)

alright Y/n all you gotta do is just jump out this window. You may have just started using your legs again but you can do it.

"What are you doing Y/n?"


I forgot Guy Sensei was watching me

"Uhhhh nothing just feeling the breeze.. haha. You can go back to sleep now."

"Im not a idiot to you am I?"

"NO- I mean no, not at all Sensei just want to get some rest..." Did he buy it please say he is a idiot

"Y/n I know your sneaking out how about you at least let me help you out the darn window since you can barely walk"

HUh? No way hes gonna help me escape

"So where are you going?"

"No where special just a dandilion field not anything special"

"Hey isnt that where you and-"

Instead of letting Guy continue with his embaressing question I figured it was better to shove my hand in his face to stop him from talking further.

"YES.. anyways help me down now its not like im gonna sneak away to do evil I just want to look at the moon."

"I know Y/n you forget ive been your sensei for a long time now even before you were on the team.

His words make you remeber all the times hes been there for you. Whether it be your mom and dads funerals, training, or just sitting with you and lisening to you complain about meanless things like your brother or what to wear.

Silly things really...

(11 years ago)

"Sensei are you going to die."

"Y/n why would you say such unyouthful things... I mean everyone dies someday but dont count be out just yet kiddo."

"But everyone I love most keeps dying so I just assumed youd be next and id be alone."

"Y/n.... your parents both died heros dont ever forget that. I promise you I'll do everything in my power to live forever so you never have to deal with that loss im sure even if your brother doesnt say it im sure he'll do the same."

"You really think so..?"

"I know so! As long as me and your brother are here you'll never feel alone little one."

"You know sensei I hope to find someone just like you when im older."

(Back to the present)

You chuckled at the thought of that comment

"someone just like you" you whsipered under your breath

Well I sure achieved that goal haha.

You thought of Lee and how much you missed him, how much you wanted to hold him and tell him your not going anywhere.

"You ready to go Y/n" Guy said in the most whispered voice he could do which really wasnt a whisper but it'll do.

"Ya Im ready"



Forever yours (Rock lee x reader)Where stories live. Discover now