First date part 1

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"Hey get up" as a book was thrown at my resting body

"Owwwww!" I grumbled

"Oh whatever you baby it didn't hurt, we gotta go guy sensei wants us to meet him at the training grounds." Neji said with a unenthusiastic grown

"Alright just give me 5 minutes"

"Make it 3 or I'm leaving you"

Ha I'd rather be left then to walk with him any day...

(Time skip)

Neji and I left our house and made our way over to the grounds when we saw Guy Sensei and the others waiting


"In 3 days we will be going off on a very important mission to locate the Akatski , apparently A king from another village was kidnapped we must locate him and save him from the Akatski."

"RIGHT!" We all screamed

"Alright all of you are dismissed to go and get ready for the mission!"

"Meet me at the front gate at 7:15 SHARP in 3 days" Guy sensei then started rambling to Lee about some training

"Your dismissed"

"RIGHT GUY SENSEI" we all shouted

I didn't feel like going back to my house to pack so I decided I'd go out and explore the village a little bit and see if I can find anything to help with the mission.

I was going through the kunai store until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

Once I turned around I was face to face with my bushy browed boyfriend

"aH... Leeeee you scared me" I giggled

"Oh I'm sorry princess.... butttt I came to find you to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Would you like to go on a secret date with me tonight...?"

"Oh!! And where will we be going?"

"That's for you to find out later..."

"Uh huhhh and tell me this... where will I go if I don't know where to meet you?"

"Don't worry about that you'll find your wayyy."

This comment intrigued me but I thought I would play along and trust him.

"Alright Lee I would love to go on a secret date with you"

"YES!!!! I-I mean great I'll see you there then.." as he walked away I giggled at his excitement

"OH WAIT!!" He came running back and pecked my lips and ran off

This left me a blushing mess...

It was about 7 when I got back home from a long day of shopping for supplies for our upcoming mission when I entered my room there was a little note on my bed.

"What could this be??" I whispered to myself

I gently opened it and it wrote

Come to the first place we met

The first place we met??? Who was this?? WAIT! It has to be Lee.... Ok I first met him at the academy. I guess I'll head there

Once I made it to the academy I saw another little note attached to the front doors and it wrote

You made it this far princess just one more step...

Come to we're I met you again after so very long....

That had to mean Ichiraku ramen where I saw Lee again after me being gone so long on my mission.

Once I made it to Ichiraku ramen expecting a note there to but I saw nothing so I decided to go in and once I did I was handed another note from Teuchi the man who owns the shop while his daughter was giggling she must know something...

"Thank you! Bye now"

"Go have fun! That boy of yours is really something! Hehe" the daughter said still giggling out of control

I opened the note and is wrote

Wow love you've figured it out so quickly <3

Now the last step is to come to the place where I kissed you for the first time.(best day of my life)

My heart warmed at this and I knew exactly where I needed to go the training grounds

Once I made my way over to the grounds I saw another note attached to the tree

It wrote....

Now my love close you eyes and turn around and on the count of 3 open them alright <3

I could hardly contain my excitement as I closed my eyes and turned around and I started counting slowly



3– before I could finish I felt lips encase mine and arms wrap around me....

I sinked into Lees sweet sensual kisses

I slowly opened my eyes and saw lees staring right back at me and when I looked around I saw him in a tux which let me tell you he looked GREAT in with a music player and a basket.

"Are you ready to go on this date princess"

"Y-yes" I said with a hint of shyness

He chuckled at my shy nature

"Alright follow me~" he cooed

To be continued~ ٩( 'ω' )و

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