Chapter 11

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"Get inside all!" our class teacher said as soon as I reached my class.

" she?" Mashiho asked looking at the old lady in the traditional hanbok standing in front of him.

"No need to worry.. You all get in the class."

"Is she... a Shaman?!" I yelled as I looked at the students who were now lining up outside the class to take a look at what was going on. "Now way...She is here to get rid of Haruto?!" I said running into the classroom where the shaman and our teacher just went.

Candles were lit making the atmosphere eerie. All the benches were separated to make a huge space in between.

"What are you doing?!" I asked as soon I got in.

"Get out of the class Haneul!" the teacher yelled at me.

"NO SIR!" I yelled back with equal force.

The woman had now started chanting weird stuff while shaking bells attached to the end of a piece of cloth. "Halmoni! Please stop!" I screamed as I ran towards her in hopes to tackle her and stop her from doing whatever spell she was doing but I was stopped by my teacher.

As I struggled to get out of his grip and stop the woman, people from outside the class just watched. That' when Iost all the hopes. I stopped fighting and fell still to the ground as I watched the woman do her spells.

I felt numb as tears poured down my cheeks. Sorry Haruto. I wasn't able to protect you.

"The spirit is inside here." She said pointing to a locker.

Haruto's locker.

As she shook the bells, the lock fell down to the ground.

"Please don't hurt him." I begged while no-one came to my help.

"He's been hiding well..." she said as she took a big ceramic vessel with a few words written on it.

08 04 1993 - 01 04 2011'

"NO!" I screamed getting up again, once I realised what that meant. It was Haruto's ashes.

"Shut up you foolish girl." She said as she did a movement with her hand, making me fly all the way to the other end of the class as my hands and legs felt both tied. Noting but fear ran through my veins.

"You must break this... to get rid of the poltergeist." The woman.

"no..." I sobbed silently.

"Poor thing!" She said as she took out the vessel. "poor thing! "

"That poor thing was grieving...Poor thing...But you can't stay...GO TO HELL ! YOU DEMON!!! GO AWAY!" she said as I closed my eyes and ears not wanting to hear that crash of the ash jar breaking or to see it shattered into pieces. I didnt want to see it.

The next thing I knew was that Yoshi helped me off the ground and I saw the ash jar safely tucked in Junkyu's arms.

"You guys are all crazy." Our teacher said. "That thing will do nothing but torment you! " he said raising his voice with every word.

"No." Hyunsuk said. "It's the opposite."

"That's right." Mashiho added."He takes care of us."

"And now, It's our turn to protect him."

"HARUTO!" I whispered as I finally saw him again.

Doyoung walked straight towards Haruto. "Haruto...I'm sorry." he said on the verge of tears.

Haruto walked right past us as he enveloped me into his arms as the others joined in the hug.

Sobbing, he whispered, "Sorry guys."

"Shh." I said pulling him closer and holding him tighter.

The rest was a hazy blur.


[Doyoung narrating]

And Haruto came back to our lives.

We are learning how to live with a ghost.

We benifitted from this coexistance.

The time has come for us to graduate together.

And Haruto finally resolved all his grieving...

And went to heaven.

Giving us a memorable time in high school.


"I'm alright" with these words

"I'm alright" with any spells

Now I know everything is just lies

When tears fall, I'll cry out loud

Even if this night is long,

Close your eyes for a moment.

Trust me today.

Tomorrow's gonna be fine

Believe in me again

Tomorrow's gonna be fine

Tomorrow's gonna be fine

Believe in me again

Tomorrow's gonna be fine




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