Chapter 8 - Correction

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{No One's POV}

Everyone inside the room was silent after Yun's display of his power. The one's who expected a lengthy fight were surprised to see him ending it with a powerful move like that. Yun notice the silence coming from the class that he couldn't help but sweat drop at the situation he was in.

Port: Well young man, I've never seen someone move that fast my life. Now! With that out of the way, I believe that was the only that we have remaining. Please make sure to cover your assigned readings and stay vigilant. Class dismiss.

Then they all heard the bell started ringing. As Yun was walking back to his seat to get his stuff, he saw Weiss giving Ruby a glare and left the room unannounced.

Jaune: Jeez, what's with her?

Yun just sighs and packs up his stuff. He then looks at his friends who were now making their way to their respective dorm rooms. Also noticing that Ruby wasn't with and he sighed thinking that she probably chased after Weiss. Turning to his team who were also packing their stuff, he taps Pan's shoulder and a red swarms flies near her face wording out what he wants to say.

[I think I'll go see what's up Ruby and Weiss]

Pan: *sigh* Sure go ahead. I mean we are transferred here for that reason. Just don't come to dorms late.

She said before kissing Yun on the cheek. He blushes a bit and walks out the classroom to find where Weiss and Ruby had gone off too.


Yun just followed down the tracks that was naked to the eye but only he could see it. He follows it and finds it turning on the corner just up ahead then he hears Weiss scream.

Weiss: What's wrong with me?! The proper question is what wrong with you?! You're supposed to be the leader and all you've been so far is a nuisance!

She said pointing at Ruby with angers behind her light blue eyes. Yun just to continue to eavesdrop at their conversation muck to him not liking this at all.

Ruby: What did I do?!

Weiss: That's just it! You did nothing extraordinary to earn your position! Back in the Emerald Forest, all you did was act like a total child and you further continue to do so!

Ruby: Weiss... Where is this coming from? What happened to all our conversations about working together? I thought you believe in acting as a team.

Weiss: Not a team led by you. I've studied and trained for my whole life. And quite frankly I deserve something much better than this.

She said turning around crossing her arm.

Weiss: Ozpin made a mistake.

She stated before walking away from the saddened Ruby. Ruby just lowers her head in sadness. Then suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turns around to see it was Yun giving her a small smile.

Ruby: You heard it, huh?

[As much as I dislike it, yeah, I heard a majority of it...]

Ruby: So... Was she right? About me... You know... Ozpin making a mistake in appointing me as my team's leader?

Seeing Ruby saddened state, Yun just gave her a hug. She didn't expected it but she certainly accepts it and hugs him back. Then a red swarm flies in front of her as she continues to hug Yun.

[The day where that'll be decided is yet to come, Ruby.]

Ruby finally releases herself from Yun's hug and he wipes off a small tear away from her face.

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