ch 2

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The next day when beam woke up everything was just blur for him ...

His head was dizzy,  he feels like puking everything out even though he didn't ate anything ..

He went to bathroom and puked his guts out.. His eyes were blood shot red and teary but soon those tears ran out of his eyes as soon as he realised everything that happened last day..

All those tears running out of his eyes reminds him of all those the passed bittersweet memories..

He still remember the day it was when seven years back he was sitting Calmingly with his best friends phana and kitty when a tall,  honey tan skin boy from the silent and dangerous group of the school came towards their table .. Phana,  their leader stood up, greeting to the boy who just got his attention...

It was the day when he is realised and question his sexuality.. Forth, the name of the boy...

Phana introduced them to each other..  The handshake which he did was still so vivid in his mind and heart...

He could see how much awkward forth was just to say hello and look at his eyes  .

From the very first day it was crystal clear to them and everyone that both,  forth and beam have feelings for each other...

Days went by and just two week later forth proposed to him..

It was just a simple dinner with family..   Family???  Yeah,  it was... It was forth who introduced beam first to his family as "someone special " and just in few days they got to know that their parents were already friends..

everyone was eating their supper accept forth's elder brother, phi first... Who was mising but everyone assumes that he must be busy and he indeed was busy and then suddenly forth interlock his hand with beam's smaller and squishy one..  Beam was startled but forth smiled at him...

"Beam I know we just meet and I am very young to say this but beamie I am sure that I want to spend my whole life with you , I want to hug you all day and just look at your beautiful Dimple smile ,  I want to see those shine in your eyes forever ,  I want  my home to be filled up with your melodies voice and beautiful giggles  , I want my everything to start with you and ends up  on you too... beam Baramee will you accept this forth Jaturaphoom as your boyfriend for now and when we grew up more will you accept me as your husband..  Beam can you please be my boyfriend ???"

at this point beam was also shedding his happy tears..  It's true that they just meet and they are still teenagers but he knows it already that his future won't be anything without forth....

He lookes at his parents who were smiling happily with Little moist eye and then to forth's parents who were grinning eye to eye  .. Beam wanted to laugh at forth cause he had his eyes closed and mumbling something which seems like a prayer..

"forth,  yes I will be you boyfriend. If you promise to never leave me "

forth felt so happy and hug his just boyfriend ..

Beam felt his body giving up with those memories,  his head felt like bursting ..he tried to stand up with his wobbley legs and went back to his room he pick his phone to check maybe Just in case forth will send a message saying

"Hey babe,  it was all just a prank and I am not going anywhere"  but no there was nothing. Instead seems like forth blocked him..

Again his tears fell out of his eyes.. He called someone and that person picked his call just in two rings

" hey son,  how are you"

"he left me dad.  It hurts "  with just that he cut the call and let the dizziness take over him again...



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