25. we don't think she'll make it

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Kim taehyung pov

My world crashed.......... "Y/n" i wanted to yell but it just came out in a whisper. I went near her and placed her head on my lap. Her is bleeding. "no no y-y/n" i was acting like a phsyco. "someone call the ambulance!!" I yelled. "sir the ambulance will come soon" one of the people said. "y-y/n b-baby pl-please wake up" i cried. Soon the ambulance arrived and i got in with her. "will she be alright?" I asked one of the nurse in the ambulance with hope. "look sir i don't want to give you false hope. Her head is bleeding a lot. She's fighting for her last breath. But i can't tell you anything. Until the doctors examine her. Upto my knowledge.... prepare for what's coming" she said. "no no please tell me you're lying please" i said and cried harder. I failed again. I failed to protect her.....

We went into the hospital. The doctor came and examined her. "it's gonna be hard taehyung" he said and went in the emergency ward with y/n. "sir how are you related to the patient" the nurse asked. "I'm her boyfriend" i said. "i need a family member to sign here" she said. "I'll sign" i said. "but sir-" she was cut of by another nurse. "yah he is president of Kim enterprises just get the sign" she said. "oh sorry sir here" she handed me the form and i signed it. Please come back to me love.

I have to call y/n's mom and dad. With shaking hands i took my phone and dialed y/n's mom's number. "hello son guess what i just came to know that you are taetae y/n's dad told me everything so happy to know it's you son" she said. "A-aunty i-i" i didn't know what to say. "what's wrong son" she asked. "a-aunty y-y/n is a-admitted i-in the hospital" i said. "what" she asked shocked. "aunty y/n got into a accident please come aunty" i cried. "Oh no I'll come in a few minutes" she said and cut the call. I just sat on the floor crying. "please don't leave me".

Jungkook pov

I was chilling in my home when suddenly the door bell rang. My mom isn't home so i opened the door. It was y/n's mom. "hey aunty mom isn't home" i said. "jungkook y/n is admitted in the hospital y/n dad isn't home. Can you come with me son" she said and i was still processing what she said. "aunty what are you saying" i asked "no time to talk son let's go" she cried. I immediately booked a cab and went to the hospital.

Kim taehyung pov

The doctors and nurses were rushing in and out of the ward. I was praying to all the gods to return my y/n to me safely. "taehyung" the doctor called me. "how is she doctor" i asked with hope. "we don't think she'll make it. We could only get her heart beat stable. Her head is hitted so hard. We're thinking she might probably fell into coma or.........." He trailed off. "or what" i asked. "or she would be dead" he said. "don't you dare to say that" i yelled and grabbed his collar. I heard a voice from behind "taehyung calm down" jungkook pulled me from the doctor. "what do you think you're doing" he yelled. "he's telling y/n is not going to make it" i cried. He was frozen for a second. "she's strong taehyung she won't leave us that easily" he said to calm me down. "Where is aunty?" I asked in a calm tone. "she's calling y/n's dad don't tell her what the doctor told or she might have a breakdown which isn't good for her health" he said. I nodded. "How is my y/n?" Y/n mom asked as she approached us. "she's alright aunty just resting" jungkook said. I couldn't talk at this point. "oh thank god" she breathed. My heart clenched. "Aunty you go home and rest there is nothing to worry about we will take care of y/n" i said. "no son I'll stay i want to see her" she said. "but aunty she won't wake up till tomorrow I'll take you here tomorrow with uncle" jungkook said. I nodded. "oh but-" i cutted her off. "aunty don't worry we'll take of her" i said assuring her. "fine son i trust you both take care of her and yourselves" she said. "I'll book a can for you" jungkook said and booked a cab and sent her off.

"It's wrong jungkook" i said to him. "i know" he said. Suddenly the doctor came  rushing. "taehyung taehyung" he said panting. "what happened doctor" i asked afraid of what happened. "y/n y/n" he said still trying to catch his breath. "what happened to her" i asked panicked. "It's a miracle taehyung she's completely alright she will be awake anytime soon" the doctor said. "really?" I asked "yes taehyung she's out of danger" he said. "omg thank you so much doctor" i thanked him. "thank you doctor" jungkook said. "my duty" he said and left.  "My prayers didn't go in vain" i said. Jungkook chuckled "she just wants to be with you and torture you" he said. "i love her and her torture" i said. "you're being so cheesy" he said. "well let's see how you are when you are in love" i said. "well i will never be cheesy like you two" he said. "uh huh" i said.

Time skip

One hour later

"Taehyung" the doctor called me. Me and jungkook looked at him. "y/n's awake" he said and i smiled brightly and looked at jungkook he too had a big smile on his face. "go in taehyung" he said and pushed me in. When i entered the room i saw her deeply thinking something. I went near her and held her hand. "hey baby" i said. She didn't respond anything. "baby" i again called her. "my love listen don't worry about the company I'll handle dad" i said. "Sweetheart talk to me" i called her but she didn't say a single word. "baby what happened are you alright are you feeling pain somewhere" i asked worried about why she is not talking. "y/n look at me" i said. She slowly looked at me with teary eyes and said something which made me froze. "You murdered my icecream".............

Woah.... Nice twist....... Guys...... I'm sad that this story is going to end soon....😭🤧.

Keep reading the book.......

Thank you so much my cuties 😘......

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