27; midnight shopping and new friend

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It was 11:23 PM, and you were getting ready to go to the market and buy some  groceries that you needed.

It was indeed late, but who cares. You decided to bring albedo and xiao with you, as they both seemed to stay indoors a lot more (and the author forgot about their existence oops)

And aether decided to join aswell since he didn't know what to do now that he found his sister.
So here we are. Four people walking around the street, going to the market at 11:45 PM.

"Y/n, are you sure the market is open this late?" Asked albedo.

"Yeah, it's a 24hour opened market or whatever, it's open. I think" you replied.

Xiao just silently followed behind you two with aether on his side. Aether rambling about how mad he still is about the people in teyvat not being able to do their shit on their own. Xiao just nodding his head at him.

Ever since xiao came to this world, it seems that his mind had been put to ease at last. He can finally rest peacefully, unless some decides to wake up in the morning and almost set the whole building on fire. (Childe)

You all arrived at the market and entered while greeting the cashier, who sleeply greeted back.

Aether took a cart and started to stroll around when a sudden idea came to his mind.

"Oh my god. Y/n." He said

"What happened?" You replied, slightly confused at why he suddenly called out for you.

"We should make two teams and race with carts. Winner gets ice-cream. "

"Oh my god you're a genius." You said to aether, immediately agreeing to his idea.

The cashier overhead your little chat with aether.

"Woah woah! You can't do that." He said. "Not unless I get to be the one who decides the winner. After that we have a deal. I'm tired of this shit anyways."

"Well, we are dividing into two groups, so we would need another player to decide the winner." Started albedo, "alright, we have a deal"

The teams consisted of albedo and aether, and you were teamed up with xiao.

The cashier cleared up a path for the both teams (okay the market/shop is pretty big alright?)

You sat on the metal cart and xiao stood behind you holding the cart securely. Aether was also the rider, as albedo stood behind him.

You suddenly opened your jacket to reveal two sunglasses. You took one and put it on while giving the other to xiao.

Xiao put the shades on and turned to look at the opposing team.

"You're going down." He said


the cashier clapped his hands and shouted:

"Alright! On your marks!" Xiao turned and held the cart tightly, "get set!" Aether held on the metal of the cart with a glint in his eyes and a small smirk on his lips "AAAAND GO!"

both albedo and xiao zoomed with the carts. You smirking as you held high hopes in winning. Suddenly xiao sped up a lot faster completely passing aether and albedo who were both laughing there asses off.

"aaaand TEAM Y/N WINS!" Said the cashier.

"WOOHOO!" screamed xiao

"OH AETHERRRR" you sing sang his name, "REMEMBER WHAT THE LOSER DOESSS???"

"Albedo do u have any cash on you? I don't have any right now." Said aether

"Why would you even make that deal in the first place-" replied albedo looking through his jacket to search for his wallet.

"Well I was confident I was gonna win but here we are. I'll pay you back when we get home" said aether.

"Alright" albedo said as he handed the sufficient amount of money to aether.

You turned to the cashier who was cleaning up the place and asked him if he'd like to join you guys for ice cream.

"You know what, yes please. I'm losing my goddamn mind here." He said "my name is Michael by the way, but you can call me Mike"

Aether then bought the ice cream for all of you and you all sat outside the market near the sidewalk. Chatting, making jokes here and there. Mike seemed like an awesome guy so you gave him his number because why not..he was fine af too.

Xiao then suddenly stopped and thought about the one reason they were here in the first place.

"Wait weren't we here for buying groceries-"

"Oh my god the groceries " You stopped him in realisation.

"Hey its fine, well just come back tomorrow" said albedo

"Yeah, and you'll have a reason to visit my awesome and cool self" said Mike as he made a kissy face and posed as a model.

You then all bid goodbye to Mike and headed home.

"Aether you owe me that money I gave you"

"Man, I  thought you'd forget." Aether whined, "just kidding I'll give them as soon as we get home!"

"Is that a dog..?" Said xiao as he spotted a dog running towards them

"OH MY GOD WHERE LEMME SEE!" You exclaimed while looking for the said dog.

"Um, why does he look kind of angry.."


Suddenly the dog started barking and almost attacked xiao



Mike heard screaming and took his eyes of a show he was watching about a vampire who was declining a kid of being his own 'what the hell is going on'

He looked out of the window only to see his new friends running from a dog who was barking at them.

"They'll be fine..!

I hope.."

Please read ^^
it's been a whiellleee

look at this long chapter omg I feel proud of myself

Idk if you realised but I based Michael and Michael Afton from fnaf because that's the only guy I suddenly remembered while writing this chapter

Maybe it's because I was playing fnaf before this idk


also would you guys prefer short or long chapters because I really don't mind

BTW Michael will be my OC kinda, but he's based on Michael from fnaf as I said before (personality wise)

If u want him on your lovely sweet harem I won't mind adding him.

That's it


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