Part 2

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"Hey mom, this is Peridot. She's staying the night here."

"Hi, Peridot!"

"Hi, Mrs. Lazuli..."

Once they got to Lapis' house, it was a rather awkward introduction between Peridot and Lapis' mom. There was the whole "How was dance?" thing that every dance mom asks. Then, there was the "Are you hungry?" thing, and Lapis lied and said that they'd already eaten.

"So, I'll let you two get to it." Lapis's mom said, walking away.

"Ok, well, I'll show you my room, I guess." Lapis shrugged. The two of them walked up the stairs to her' room. By the time they reached it, Peridot gasped. It was huge, almost the size of one of the rooms at dance studio. Her bed, dresser and desk were shoved into a corner so that there was a ton of space. The walls were blue and the floors were shiny hard wood.

"Cool room." Peridot said. "Do you dance in here?"

"Yeah. The floor's really good for turning." Lapis told her. This was the perfect opportunity to show off, so she went into a triple pirouette. Just as she was halfway around the third turn, she slipped and fell to the floor. Peridot tried not to laugh at her.

"Yeah, really great for turning." Peridot teased.

"Shut up." Lapis rolled her eyes. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I almost always fall out of triples."

"Well, for starters, you should set your eyes up. If you look down, you go down." Peridot told her. "And flex those abs. You can't turn without a strong base."

"I guess you're ri-" Lapis stopped in the middle of her sentence. "Wait a second! How did you know that? I thought you only did tap and hip hop!"

Peridot gulped. "Well, uh, y'know that three-thirty ballet class on Monday?" She asked. Lapis nodded. "I may or may not have been in that class... For the past five years."

"Oh my gosh, really?" Lapis exclaimed. "I had no idea! Well, that's probably because I don't dance on Mondays."

"Yeah. I never see you there on Monday."


There was an awkward silence.

"Well?" Lapis asked, "Aren't you gonna show me your mad ballet skills?"

"Only if you don't tell anybody." Peridot countered.

"Why shouldn't I tell anyone?" Lapis grinned. "This is pure gold." She pulled out her phone, obviously to text somebody about this new discovery.

"I'll get you another donut."

Lapis stopped cold. "Two and I won't tell anyone you were here."

"Done." Peridot agreed. "Now, do you have the song Anchor by Mindy Gledhill?" Lapis nodded. "Put it on."

The song was a slow piano ballad that was a three-four time step. The dance was very pretty and waltz-y.

Once it was done, Lapis stopped the music.

"I never would've guessed you were a secret ballerina!" Lapis smiled. "I'm actually impressed."

"Thanks." Peridot muttered. "And by the way, I didn't say anything before, but I really liked your solo. Do you think... Maybe you could teach it to me?"

"Well, it's a solo, soooo..." Lapis said. "I don't know how that would go down."

"What if we made it into a duet? Just for the fun of it."

Lapis thought for a second, but she finally caved in.

"I don't see why not!"

To Dance or not to Dance (Lapidot Dancer AU)Where stories live. Discover now