Part 4

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Oh god guys, here comes the fluff so... Yeah, get ready. *evil laugh*


Lapis's eyes opened sleepily. It had become increasingly hot under her covers so she kicked them off of her so that now they fell just to her knees. She looked over at the digital clock on her bedside table and saw that the glowing blue numbers read 3:00 am. There was the slightest bit of early morning sun coming through the window.

She rubbed her eyes and turned her head to look over at Peridot, remembering that she was at her side. When she saw her, she couldn't help but giggle. Her arms were wrapped tightly around Lapis's waist and she had tangled her legs in with Lapis's own. Their faces were just inches apart.

Lapis smiled, Peridot looked so peaceful and almost, dare she say, cute. She studied her face. Her eyebrows that were about a shade or two darker than her blonde hair, her upturned nose, the minimal amount of freckles on her cheeks...

Freeing her arm away from the other's sleepy squeeze, she lifted her hand hesitantly to trace her finger down Peridot's nose, then down her lips to her chin.

Just then, Peridot's eyes opened abruptly. Lapis quickly moved her hand and ran it through her bangs as if that's what she was doing the whole time.

"Go back to sleeeeep..." Lapis whispered, awkwardly petting the other girl's hair.

"It got cold..." Peridot mumbled.

"Oh," Lapis pulled the covers back up. "You realize that you were cuddling me, right?" She teased.

Peridot's cheeks went beet-red. "Um, I-I-I was?" She stuttered. "Uh, yeah, it's kind of a habit, I guess."

"Very out of character for you." Lapis smirked. "It's cute, don't worry."

And just when Peridot thought that her cheeks couldn't get any redder, they did.

"I'm not cute, trust me." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, you are." Lapis smiled. "Just... Not as often as you're grumpy." She snickered.

"Whatever... Let's go back to sleep." Peridot muttered, burying her face in the pillow.


Lapis reached her arms up to rest them on Peridot's shoulders. While they slept, Lapis had this weird gut feeling that wouldn't shut up. It was something like maybe... Just maybe... She had a crush on Peridot?

No. That was stupid.

And yet... So true.


A/N: Please tell me guys if ou want a continuation of this. Bye.

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