har har har har *starts beatboxing*

8 0 0

cw: cringe, freddy, gay ppl


"eric sit down five nights at freddys is not real"


damn this child be wildin,,

"eric sit down", i hear kyle say to him ig?? idk my vocabulary is v limited.

before cartman can spread his freddy lore to the whole class mr garrison started to talk again

"alr kids today were gonna learn abt the american revolutio-"


o shit fnaf IS real

"EEEEEEE", eric squealed

alr that's that ig,, so we continued w the american revolution


after the bell rang ofc i was the one who got out of class first,, i hate class 🤢🤢

anyway since it's lunch now, i make my way to the cafeteria n sat at one table waiting for the rest of the fag squad to join me

eventually kyle showed up sat next to me w a lunch tray in hand

"dude ur not eating?", kyle asks me bc ofc he would, he's literally so gay for me

"nah,, food today is shit right??"

"not really,, i mean i liked it"

i just hummed in response bc idk man im getting sleepy im writing this shit at 3 in the fucking morning

i kinda just plopped my head on the table hoping i could fall asleep bc i genuinely wanna sleep rn dawg holy shit

"dude,, r u ok??", again ofc it's kyle

"no...", i mumbled in response

he sighed exasperatedly "do you,, want me to,, feed you?"

i immediately shot up hearing this,, GETTING FED?!? yessir!!

i nodded excitedly

"ugh ofc u would"


"alr alr just open ur mouth, here"

n he fed me mmm yum,, in fact it was so yummy im convinced it's yummy bc kyler fed it to me

lunch just went by super quickly lol,, n then bell rang

ringrung ring banan ohone alatm

still got it

"looks like im off to biology now"

"oh aight then"

"ur next lesson is social studies tho right, y/n?"

"no u idot, u forgor it's also biology smh"

"oh righ sorry my bad"



we're dismissed now, scools school, nothing interesting happened

anyway by now im just sitting at the school entrance bc i hate home,, it makes me feel trapped smhh

so ya ig im jist gonna stall going home by staying here for a bit

"y/n??" i hear someone calling my name



oh it's just kyle

"nothing much tbh, just want get out o the house ykyk??"

"hmmm,,, well alr then, ill be heading home now"



"stfup kyle"

"alr alr sorry,, do u wanna come with tho?"

"what?? like to ur house?? like come over??"

"yeah wjy not,, we can hangout n stuff n maybe do assignments together"

"kyle,, u son of a bitch, yes!!"

,, ok maybe i only came bc i wanna see his mom n impress her bc she's super hot dude wth,, milf?!?! yes pls!!

but yk spending time w kiel is fine too


we now at kiahls house n sheila greeted us when we entered the house

"house school today bubba??"

"m-mom not in fronf of ny friend" he said embarrassed

aww that's cute

"its fine kyle,, idm!!" i say

then i did his mom who is hot n is a milf

his mama is so fine, i fucked her sheeeshhhh

then i started busting moves,, bc im cool then everyone in the bar clapped n wtf am. i wtoting wthd

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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