Chapter 5

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Piper and I got together after our last shift. It was another beautiful Thursday and she asked if I wanted to go on a run / walk with her and her dog as we still had a couple hours of sunshine left.

Dressing similar to her in sneakers, short athletic shorts and a crop top we parked her Jeep on the side of a back road.

"I used to run here a lot, because it's rarely traveled." She said as she leashed up Otis, her three year old German Shorthaired Pointer. "But it borders Bear's land so I've been avoiding it. I heard he's off to the city again so I think I'm safe." She laughed at the end, but we both knew it wasn't funny.

Her poor heart was broken.

We started off the first two miles in a run, keeping steady pace with one another.

"You were with him again last night?"

I glanced at her, "Yes. He brought me to dinner." I continued to tell her about how we ran into Bear, Huck and TT.

"TT is great, she is only 18, and Huck met about six months ago when she was hired as their housekeeper. Love at first sight with them." She said genuinely.

"Do you like Clark?" She asked, and then quickly added, " Do you feel safe with him?"

"I shouldn't." I responded, "But I do. I've never had a man make me feel so protected."

She smiled softly, "That's how Bear makes me feel."

"I hope it's okay I say this, it's kind of intimate." I hesitate until she nods. "I hope I am not giving him the wrong impression, but I can't seem to say no when he puts his hands on me."

"It is a curse." She says almost seriously. " I've begged Bear to take me, make me a non virgin."

"How can he say no to you!" I huff.

"He doesn't want me the way I want him." Piper's so sad, heart broken and solemn. I feel so badly for her.

"They both seem like such powerful men. It's intimating." I began telling her, "I'm surprised Clark isn't married to some beauty queen."

"He didn't tell you?" A shocked look came over her face, and we slowed down to a walk.

My stomach began to drop, "Tell me what?"

"That's how Bear and Clark know each other." She leaned down to give Otis a scratch behind his ear. " Bear's ex-wife's sister is Clark's wife. He's still married, Lacey."

I repeated it back to her, "He's still married."

"They've been separated for over five years." She rushed to explain, "She won't sign the papers last I heard. She wants more alimony."

"He's married?" I repeated, tears pricking my eyes.

"He should have told you this, Lacey." Piper had a tear pass down her cheek, "I am so sorry, the pain you feel I completely understand."

Wiping my eyes, I took a deep breath. "I'll be ok-"

Suddenly behind us, a loud engine seemed to come out of nowhere. "Piper's eyes went wide and she grabbed my arm to pull me out of the road. Dust and rocks kicked up, and we were unable to see. Trying our best to keep Otis out of the chaos, we didn't notice the truck stop and turn around.

"What the fuck are you doing?" A male voice slurred as a door slammed shut.

"Stay behind me, Lacey."

"Who is it?" I did as she said, trying to calm Otis who began snarling.

"My family." She whispered.

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