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                              BEAR & PIPER

A little bit ago..

I was officially a Registered Nurse.

My classmates were all gathering around the small courtyard of Mount Morris Community College. The college was almost an hour commute from home, but thankfully I did most of my clinicals at my own town's local hospital.

In two weeks, I will be starting there as an emergency room nurse. I wanted to scream with joy, jump and shout with how proud I felt of myself but as I looked around I felt only sadness.

All the other girls had moms, dads, boyfriends, and friends joining them to celebrate. I had no one.

The southern heat was too much in the dark cap and gown. As I walked to my old chevy sedan I thought what I should do next.

Call my dad?

The thought was outrageous. I'm sure he was currently getting drunk while his two son's caused chaos at the local watering hole.

I never belonged with them. They weren't nice people. My brothers used to hurt animals for fun when they were kids. My mother hooked up with my third grade teacher while at Parent-Teacher night. My father beat her to bits because of it.
The only good thing that came from my father was his boss, Bear Harland.

He is the most successful oil man in the entire state. He's also a good amount older than me. Yet, despite the fact we live in two different worlds I am completely in love with him. He's how I afforded nursing school. I was offered a full ride scholarship out of the blue, and when I found out the check was written by my fathers boss I was immediately smitten. That was a little over three years ago.

Despite my painfully shy persona, there was something about this man that brought life into me. I could barely make sentences out of my words when I spoke to him, but the few chances we were together I soaked in his big shoulders, handsome face and strong masculinity.

Just as I approached my car I noticed a white envelope tucked under the windshield wipers. Grabbing it quickly I read what was inside,

Congrats Sister.

Shocked and in disbelief I shook my head. No way would my brothers write me a card-

The four slashed tires said it all. Of course they'd do this. For their own amusement.  It took all I could not to cry as I grabbed my small wallet and tossed the cap and gown in my back seat.

I had no one to call to come get me and I didn't dare ask any of my classmates for a ride in fear I'd ruin their wonderful day.

It was only ten miles to the bus stop and from there I could get a ride into town. Dressed in a light blue dress that I got from a local boujee boutique and my favorite stylish western boots I started my hike.

Thankfully I knew that the dirt road to the bus stop was rarely traveled. In fact it was a private owned, seasonal road.

Privately owned by Bear Harland that is.

The sun was beating down pretty harshly, and two miles in my feet started to hurt. After that I felt self pity get invited and suddenly my walk to the bus stop was accompanied by tears.

The only thing I had to look forward to when I got home was a lonely apartment above a mechanic shop. I didn't even have my dog.

Otis, my German shorthair came to live with us a couple months before I was finally able to move out of my parents trailer. When I packed my things and went to put Otis in my car, my brother decided to give me black eye and take my dog. He left me there on the ground crying, telling me how I thought I was "too good'' and "I'd be runnin' back home."

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