Chapter 6

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The messages from my father were getting worse. I feared he'd figure out where I was living. Suddenly the monthly messages have become every other day. Voicemails stating that if I didn't help him he'd be killed. I needed to give him thousands before the first of the month or Kyle would be after him.

I was unsure what to do. Piper had left town, she decided to take her 80 hours of vacation and visit a cousin a few states over.

She wanted me to come with but I declined. I couldn't afford to take work off and I hadn't gotten any vacation time saved yet. I didn't want to push her with any of my problems, she felt bad enough for what her brothers had done.

Rumor had it her brothers and father were in pretty bad shape. They had gotten roughed up the night of the incident. Part of me wondered if Clark had anything to do with it.

It had been an entire month since then. I hadn't heard from Clark, or seen him.

Every day I missed him and every day it made me feel sillier. We barely knew each other, I was just another young woman fooled by a married man.

Carrie had caught on quickly that something was going on. She ended up letting me take an extra day off when another nurse requested an additional shift that week.

As I was leaving the hospital a familiar face was walking out as well.

Old Man Chris, Clarks dad, walked slowly with his walker out to the parking lot. He looked to be alone as he searched the vehicles.

Putting my head down, I excused myself in an attempt to get home quickly.

"Excuse me!"

His voice was like Clarks, but much older and the southern accent was a bit thicker. Startled, I turned quickly.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He smiled, leaning against his walker. He seemed frail but the kind smile on his face made him look lively.

"That's okay." I smiled, feeling a little uncomfortable-no scared that his son would show any minute. "Do you need anything? I am off shift but I can grab another nurse-"

He waved a hand in front of his face, shaking his head. "Oh no, I want to talk to you."

Stepping forward, I tried to hide the confusion. "Sure.."

"My son, Clark." He started and I immediately wanted to walk off. I couldn't hear this right now.

"He isn't married anymore."

"What?" I stared at the man, a million thoughts going through my head.

"He has been officially divorced for a week. If the paperwork didn't take so long.. And that horrid woman went a little faster; he would have been divorced years ago."

The man gave me another smile, "Just thought I should let you know."

Unable to speak, I nodded, stepping away as my thoughts fought to cloud my vision.

As I got to the path to the cottage I turned once I was hidden from view to watch the big white truck pull in front of the hospital entrance.

Suddenly I stepped forward, and found myself jogging up the truck. He hadn't seen me yet, but I had to talk to him.

Just as he began pulling out of the lot, my eyes met his and that's when my name was called.

My father had arrived.


"Lacey, that nice college friend of yours finally gave up where you were hiding."

My father reeked, he didn't look like he showered for days. His hair was ratty, clothes dirty and eyes bloodshot.

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