7: Dances

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"What'd we miss?" Damon asked sheepishly as the two of us approached Elena, Caroline and Stefan.

"We were just chatting." Stefan said, glancing at me before focusing on Damon. "Drink, Damon?"

Damon looked at the champagne that Stefan was holding out, "No, thanks. I'll pass."

"Can I have it?" I asked, gritting my teeth. "Mayor Lockwood has all the waiters under strict orders not to give me any."

Stefan nodded, handing me the glass. "Uh; Stefan, do you have another dance in you?" Elena asked, smiling at every person in our small circle before landing on Stefan.

"Absolutely." Stefan smiled back, following Elena, who had already grabbed his arm.

Damon, Caroline and I all turned to look at Stefan and Elena, who had made their way to the middle of the dance floor.

"Don't look so Jealous, Blair." Damon whispered, a smirk across his face as he, raised and lowered his eyebrows at me. The frown I didn't know I was wearing disappearing.

"They look so cute together." Caroline sighed, not hearing Damon.

"Don't talk, please." Damon's smirk fell when Caroline first opened her mouth. Caroline frowned, before walking a few feet away to grab something off the food table.

"You don't actually like her." I huffed, smirking at him as I crossed my arms. Damon's eyes moved from our siblings to me. "You're only dating her so you can get closer to Elena."

"If I wanted to get closer to Elena, I wouldn't need anyone's help. Caroline is simply -" he paused, "someone to sleep with."

"Well, aren't you a gentlemen." I shook my head. Damon extended his hand out to me, "what?"

"C'mon, we're dancing." He grabbed the half empty glass from my hand and set it on the table before taking my hand. He began walking away, my hand still in his, but I stayed still. "You want to dance, don't you?"

I shrugged, following him on to the floor, placing my free hand on his shoulder. "Why are we dancing?"

"Because you wanted to."

"So did Caroline, but you wouldn't dance with her." I looked up at him.

"Caroline already knows the kind of guy I am, and I'm trying to prove to you, that I'm not the dick you think I am." He stated, avoiding all eye contact with me. "Plus, Caroline is annoying and she wanted to dance with Stefan anyways, not me."

"Well, that makes two of us." I smirked at him.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom real quick." Elena tapped my shoulder before wandering off, leaving Stefan alone on the dance floor. She didn't look too happy.

"Go dance with Stefan. I have something to do real quick." Damon said, spinning me once then leaving me facing Stefan. I could hear Damon from a distance calling out to Caroline.

"May I have this dance?" I smirked, walking up to Stefan and holding out my hand.

"Well, you are one of my sister wives, how could I say no?" He smirked back, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to the spot where Damon and I just were.

"What did you and Damon talk about after Elena came down?" Stefan asked after a few minutes of silence.

"He told me his whole plan to steal Elena, and ruin your life, and I agreed to help him do so." I smiled up at him, only getting a glare in return. "I'm kidding. But he knows about us."

"What? How!?" He whisper yelled, staring me in the eyes.

"He read your journals, the entries about Blair Sommers. He put two and two together and figured out I was your second love." I sighed, perching my lips as i looked around the dance floor.

"Current." He muttered.


"Current love." He smiled weakly. "I may be with Elena, but I still love you, Blair."

"Yeah, well," I sighed again, returning the weak smile. "nothing we can do about that now, huh? Im going to find Elena, thanks for dancing with me."

I frowned before making my way into the mansion, but right when I got inside, Elena was storming out. "Hey, E, what's wrong?" I called out, but she ignored me, stomping down the steps and up to Damon.

I stood behind her as she pushed him. "There is something seriously wrong with you! You stay away from Caroline or I'm going straight to her mother; the sheriff! Got it? Stay away from her!" She yelled at him, but he only looked amused.

"So, what were you saying about not being a dick?" I asked as Elena ran away. "Good luck getting close to Elena now, buddy."

"I didn't do anything to Elena." Damon stated.

"Well, you did something to Caroline, didn't you?" I raised my eyebrows, "I may not like Caroline the slightest, but she doesn't deserve you being an ass."

He nearly growled before storming off. I walked over to Elena and Stefan, but they looked like they were having a heated conversation, so I leaned on a tree about 50 feet away from them waiting for them to finish.

Elena looked like she was still talking when Stefan ran off towards Damon and Caroline. I made my way to Elena, and you could tell she was mad. "What's going on, E?"

"Caroline is covered in bruises, B! Damon's obviously been hurting her, there's even bite marks!" She yelled, her eyes the slightest bit of glossy. "Stefan knew, too. He knew that Damon was hurting her, yet he hasn't done a thing to stop it!"

"Hey, hey, calm down." I sighed, "Stefan and Damon are brothers, Elena. They work things out differently. Damon is all Stefan has left, so I'd understand why he wouldn't be super ecstatic about getting his brother is trouble."

Elena took a deep breath, "you didn't see the bruises, Blair. It looked like she'd been beaten."

"I know. You just have to consider that if Stefan were to turn Damon in, Stefan would be completely alone." I pressed my mouth into a straight line, "besides his uncle Zach, who Stefan isn't all that close with."

"He wouldn't be completely alone. He'd have me, and you."

"There's a difference between family and friends, E." I shook my head, "just give it a little time, and im sure everything will be back to normal."

"Yeah, I guess." She sighed, and began walking, before stopping and looking at me. "How do you know so much about Stefan?"


"I just learned that Stefan's uncles name was Zach today, how did you know it?"

"Damon told me." I lied quickly, "him and I talked about a few things after you left the room."

"Oh." She nodded, taking another deep breath. "I don't want you being alone with him anymore."

"No problem." I nodded, smiling. "Let's go and - is that Caroline?"

"Caroline?" Elena called out, the two of us walking closer. Caroline didn't say anything though, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, im fine." Her voice high pitched, yet quiet. Her voice always went into a higher pitch when she lied.

"Caroline, what happened?" Elena asked. Caroline kept fiddling with the scarf around her neck.

"No, I'm fine." She stated, her voice still high, as she began crying. "I'm fine."

"No, you're shaking." Elena said, her hand resting on Caroline's arm. Caroline kept repeating that she was fine while Elena hugged her.

"Where are Stefan and Damon?" I asked, not getting an answer, "Caroline, where are they?"


AN ; this is kind of boring, sorry. It's 1:30 AM and I was in the mood to write so this happened. Hah. I just realized that I haven't had Jeremy in this at all, or Jenna really, so they will be in the next chapter for sure. How are you guys liking the story so far? And what do you guys think I should change if anything? Remember to vote, and comment! xxx ashelina

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