15: Halloween

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[ Thanks for 11K+ you guys, i really appreciate it. I would have never thought that this would get more than 200 reads. I have decided to keep this season one. I know i was going to put it in season three, but only a few of you wanted season three, and it would probably take me three months to change fourteen chapters to totally different scenes, and in season 3 Damon is already officially in love with Elena so i don't know. I'm going to keep it in season one, so I'm sorry in that upsets you. Please remember to vote for this chapter, and maybe check out my new teen wolf ff, Insane. xx ashelina ]

[ also, the picture on the side has nothing to do with this chapter, I just made it when I was bored and thought I'd show you guys. ]


"Blair, come on. Unlock the door. " Elena pounded on the bathroom door. "What are even doing? You've been in there for an hour."

"Just give me a minute." I groaned. I wasn't sure if Elena would be able to hear my voice over the running water, though.

"Are you okay? Are you sick? Do you need me to call 911? Or drive you to the hospital? Blair! Answer me." Elena continued to knock on the door.

"Hey, Jeremy let me in." I heard Stefan's voice, as Elena stopped knocking. "I went to Matt's, Vicki was home, but he wouldn't let me in. I don't think she'll hurt him. What are you doing?"

"I have to pee, but Blair has been in there since she got back." Elena stated, before she began knocking again.

"Oh, my god!" I turned off the water. I unlocked and opened the door, standing in just my bra and leggings. "There are two other bathrooms in this house, Elena. If you really need to pee, you could walk five feet and go to Jenna's bathroom."

Elena only glared at me while Stefan stared. Elena moved her gaze to the bleach filled sink, noticing the bloody tank top floating in it. "Is that blood?"

"No, Stefan and I stopped for some wine before we found Vicki. We thought it would be a great thing to do." I stared back at her. She glanced at Stefan who had a small smile on his face. "Of course it's blood, Elena! Logan Fell shot me, ruined my damn tank top! I've been scrubbing it with bleach for nearly an hour and it hasn't even lightened!"

Elena looked me up and down, "You don't have a bullet wound."

"Damon gave me some of his blood." I stated.

"Oh." Elena mumbled, "Well, i want you to stay away from him for the next twenty-four hours, then. We all know what happened to the last person he fed blood to."

"You're not the boss of me, Elena. If i want to see Damon, i will see Damon." I smiled fake. "Now, if you excuse me, i have some blood to get out of my shirt."

I attempted to shut the door, but Elena blocked it with her foot, "Forget about the damn shirt! What is your problem, Blair? It's like your bipolar, one second your the loving sister that i had as a child, and the next your a bitch!"

"I was just shot, Elena! I'm in love with someone i'm probably never going to have again, and my sister is being extremely annoying, so i'm sorry if i am in a bad mood!" I yelled. Elena moved her foot, and as i was shutting the door, i noticed how sad Stefan's eyes were.

It was silent on both sides of the door for a second, until Elena took a deep breath. "If you need to talk, you can talk to me."

I gripped onto the edge of the bathroom counter. "I can't talk to you about this, Elena."


"Hey." Elena frowned, walking into my room. "I'm sorry that I was rude last night. It was just a long day, and I was stressed, and how I was acting was uncalled for. And I'm sorry."

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