22: Uncle John

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[ my one direction concert is on the fifteenth, I'm honestly freaking out, and just a little warning, I will probably have pcd after my concert, and it may take me a few days to update again. ]


"Blair." Jenna crouched down next to me, resting her hand on my back. "I don't know what's going on with you. HI've let it slide for the last few days, but you need to go to school today. The principle called, she's worried about your attendance."

"I've only missed three days." I muttered, "that's less than Elena and Jeremy."

"I know, but the principle has high expectations from you, so she doesn't want you missing a single day." Jenna paused, "let's make a deal. You tell me what's wrong, and I'll let you skip one more day. Or you can go back to school, keeping everything to yourself."

"Alright, I'll tell you, but not right now, when you get off of work." I smiled slightly before tucking my face into the corner of the couch.

"Okay." Jenna sighed, patting my back before standing and walking away.

Just as Jenna went into the kitchen, the door bell rang. "Blair, can you please get that? I'm trying to make coffee."

"I can't, I'm depressed." I groaned into the cushion.

"Blair-" Jenna sighed again.

"Fine." I took a deep breath before standing up and going to the door. I opened the door, glanced at the man standing in front of me, then attempted to slam it shut.

I used all my strength to push at the door, but so did he. "Blair, let me in!" John groaned, pushing much harder than me.

"Go to hell!" I screamed, trying to push more, but I started to lose my strength.

"Blair, what is going on?" Elena came down the stairs.

"Stay out of it, Elena! Just go upstairs!" I yelled again. Jenna joined the little party at the door.

"Blair, who is it?" Jenna tried to peak through the small open part. "It's your Uncle, let him in!"

"I know who it is, why do you think I'm holding the door?!"

"Blair-!" Jenna yelled, so I backed away. The door slammed open, a restless looking John standing in front of us, out of breath.

"Hi, Uncle John. I'm good, Elena's good, Jeremy's good, Jenna's great, she's also in a very loving relationship so now that you're all caught up you can leave." I attempted to shut the door again, but Jenna stopped me.

"What's your problem lately, Blair? You've been rude to everyone!" Elena glared at me.

"What are you doing here, John?" Jenna asked, glaring at me as well.

"I have to go to school." Elena shook her head, walking past John. Jeremy ran down the stairs saying a quick Hi to John before following Elena.

"Well?" Jenna shrugged, waiting for John to reply.

"I'm in town for the Founders party, and the Miss Mystic Banquet. Mayor Lockwood called me, and asked me to come. I'm here at your house, because I would rather not stay at a hotel, and I miss my family." John answered, "i haven't seen the kids in a few months."

"It's because your our uncle, not our father so your only supposed to see us on holidays and birthdays. It's not Christmas or thanksgiving, or our birthdays so I understand why you haven't seen us." I nodded.

"I'm sorry, have I done something to upset you?" John glanced at Jenna before looking at me, Jenna's eyes following his.

I glanced at Jenna as well, and took a deep breath before shaking my head. "No."

"You're lying." Jenna stated, "you always look at whoever doesn't know the secret before you lie. What don't I know?"

I looked at Jenna, "John hit me once."

"What?!" Jenna and John yelled at the same time. "When?!" Jenna asked.

"When I was nine, I did something and he slapped me across the face. I've never really liked him since." I lied, hopefully Jenna didn't tell.

"Right." John nodded, "I'm sorry for that, I shouldn't have done that."

"Oh." Jenna said.

"So can I stay?" John asked, Jenna looked at me.

"Fine. But I'm not promising that I'll be nice."

"Alright, well I have to go to work, Blair isn't going to school today, so you two can make up." Jenna walked into the kitchen to grab her coffee then stood back by John and I.

"Why aren't you going to school?" John asked, grabbing his bag from the ground.

"I'm depressed, my uncle slapped me when I was nine, and I'm really good at holding grudges." I smiled, "bye, Jenna. I'll talk to you when you get home."

"Bye." Jenna smiled as well, walking past John to leave the house.

John walked into the house, as he was standing on the porch since he showed up. "So where am I sleeping?" He asked as he shut the door behind him.

"On the couch." I stated, walking into living room. "Why are you really here, John?"

"I wasn't lying when I told Jenna why i was here." John said, setting his bag on the couch.

"So your not here to try and ruin your relationship with Elena, too?"

"When I came to you in Chicago, I didn't want to ruin our relationship, I didn't realize I did until you started ignoring my calls once I left." John looked at me, "I just wanted you to know the truth."

"Well, the truth kind of ruined our relationship. I suggest not telling Elena, it'd suck to have both of your daughters despise you." I frowned, shrugging.

John frowned as well, he stayed silent. "I'm going to school actually. I'll see you when I get home."


AN ; this chapter sucks really bad, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to get a chapter up before I had to start getting ready for my concert. I'll be at my dads house tomorrow, so I won't have much time to update tomorrow, so I'm thinking my next update will be on Friday, or Saturday. The next chapter will be the Banquet! Remember to vote and comment!

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