11: Cougar Bites

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[ new cover, hope y'all like it! ]

Damon and I were sitting on the couches in the living room awkwardly. I didn't know exactly what to say, just witnessing him killing his Uncle, or Nephew.

"So," Damon cleared his throat after finishing his fourth blood bag, "sounds like you and Stefan had fun last night."

My eyes widened, "oh.. You heard that."

"Unfortunately, yes." He wiped his mouth, "I never thought Stefan would cheat on Elena, but I guess he's full of surprises. Are you staying again tonight?"

"I'm supposed to, yeah." I sighed, trying not to make eye contact with Damon.

"Remind me to take some earplugs before you lock me back up." He smirked, walking behind the couch to pour himself a drink.

I only shrugged, I wasn't actually planning on locking him back up.

"Is Stefan going to leave Elena?" Damon asked still standing behind the couch. I turned to sit normal again, so I wasn't looking at him anymore.

"No." I muttered, if Damon didn't have super hearing, he probably wouldn't have heard me. "It'd been rude to break up with her to be with me."

"Is it not rude to sleep with his girlfriends sister?" He sat back on the couch.

"Is it not rude to sleep with your brothers girlfriend?" I sighed again, resting my elbows on my knees as I turned slightly to look at him.

"I'm not sleeping with Elena." He smirked.

"I meant Katherine."

"That was different." Damon's smirk fell, and a glare took its place.

"Was it?"

Damon looked angry and sad at the same time while he glared at me. "It was. I knew she was in love with Stefan, and Stefan knew she was in love with me. I don't know if Stefan gave you the full story, but she dated us at the same time. He makes it sound like she was dating him and left him for me.

"Elena doesn't know Stefan is sleeping with you, she doesn't even know you two knew each other before she met him." Damon finished, "so it is different."

I frowned, and closed my eyes as I rested my face in my hands. I didn't know what to say. There was nothing I could, Damon was right.

"It's not right, is it?" I asked, keeping my face buried in my hands.

"No, Blair, it's not." Damon shrugged, "even I, the bad Salvatore, knows that."

"I'm going to stop." I took a deep breath as I stood, "I'll tell him that it's me or Elena. He can't have both."

"You go girl." Damon smirked, watching me walk towards the front door. "You aren't going to lock me back up?"

"No, Stefan will probably be home before dark, and he can lock you up then. If he's not and you leave, just don't eat anyone I like." I shrugged.

"And who is on the list of people Blair Gilbert doesn't like?" Damon asked, still smirking.

"Everyone besides Matt, Tyler, and Bonnie. But don't bite Jeremy or Elena either, or anyone Elena hangs out with." I added, "deal?"

"Deal." He nodded, drinking the rest of the booze in his glass.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I smiled before leaving the boarding house.

It took me longer than it should have to walk home. I was in such a hurry to get home, that I left the boarding house in what I was wearing, which was only Stefan's shirt. I didn't have a coat, shoes, pants, or underwear on. So it was a cold walk home, and I had to go slow, so that the rocks I was stepping on wouldn't hurt as much.

It look me an hour to walk to the boarding house with shoes on and it took me about two and a half hours to walk home.

Once I got home, I went straight to the bathroom to pee, and bandage the small cuts on my feet from stepping on the sharper rocks. I only seen Elena's car outside, but she was with Stefan right now so the house should be empty.

I tiptoed, so I wouldn't put pressure on the cuts on the middle of my foot, into the kitchen to make something to eat. But I seen Stefan cutting up some garlic at the Island, and Elena drinking wine on the couch across from him.

"Oh, I didn't know you guys were here." I choked, biting my lip.

"Oh my god, Blair! What happened to your neck?" Elena stood and walked up to me, "and is that Stefan's shirt?"

"I uh-" my hand went up to the bandage on my neck. "That cougar you know? It was huge and -"

"They caught that." Elena corrected me, trying to remove the bandage.

"Well, there must be another one." Stefan suggested.

I finally stopped fighting Elena, and allowed her to pull the bandage off. "These are the same bite marks that Caroline had, Blair."

"Really? Weird. I guess the coug-"

"Did Damon do this to you?" She glared at me.

"What? No. It was a cougar, Elena." I put the bandage back on. "You told me to stay away from him so I did."

"I can tell when your lying, Blair. You've seen him recently, the bites on your neck are fresh." Elena turned to Stefan, "you said he was gone!"

Before Stefan could speak, I did. "Elena, Damon didn't do this to me! You could tell when I was lying when I was high, never when I was sober, so even if I was lying, you wouldn't know. Okay? Damon didn't hurt me, and he wouldn't hurt me. A cougar attacked me, and that's that. so drop it."

"Whatever." Elena stormed up to her room.

"That was close." Stefan whispered, sighing. "I thought you were staying at my house until I got back?"

I took a deep breath, "I've thought about it, and talked with someone about it, and I realized that this -" I pointed between the two of us, "what we're doing, isn't right. You're dating my sister. And if she found out that we slept together while you two were together, it'd ruin her. She'd never trust anyone again.

"So, I've decided that you can't have both of us. You can have me, or you can have Elena. And until you choose, you and I won't be doing anything." I finished.

"You're not thinking straight, Blair. What Elena doesn't know won't hurt her. I want to be with you," he sighed, "and I want to be with her. We can keep doing this. Whoever told you this isn't right, was wrong."

"No, we can't! You're the one not thinking straight. What person who is reasonable sleeps with his girlfriends sister?" I laughed humorlessly, "Neither Elena or I are like Katherine; you are."

"Blair -"

"No, I'm not going to listen to anything you have to say." I shook my head, "you should get home, think about who you'll choose." I glanced out the window, "Oh, and Damon was the one who helped me figure out this is wrong."

"What?" Stefan stared at me, shocked, for a few seconds before rushing out of the house.


AN ; sorry that I took so long to update, I've been at my sisters, & she doesn't have the best internet. I hope this chapter doesn't suck too bad. I'm going to be posting the next chapter probably tonight as well. Remember to vote and comment!

If you guys could, would you follow my new tvd scene account? It's @vampirediaryfeed on insta! Thanks! xxx ashelina.

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